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  1. a satirical imitation of heroic verse

How To Use mock-heroic In A Sentence

  • The film is therefore a parody of a foreign educational movie with a hint of a mock-heroic tone.
  • It is these issues that should have been the focus of the press coverage from the start, not the mock-heroics of aircraft carriers, special forces and the stunt work of the young pilots in the sky.
  • They sally forth, mock-heroic and quixotic, as if nothing was unusual or out of the ordinary, clueless that their sense of proportion is way out of whack. James Scarborough: PHOTOS: 'Paint Tube People' Use Every Part Of The Paint Tube
  • Moreover, this pattern of resemblance is rendered still more striking by the prominent appearance of mock-heroic topoi and diction in both poems.
  • On the formal level, its massive length (at 196 lines, it is over four times as long as the second-largest poem in the collection) and mock-heroic narrative render questionable its presence within a volume of epigrams.
  • Unknown to him, Barbara had written her own reportage of Liberia: Land Benighted (reissued in 1981 as Too Late to Turn Back) is a masterpiece of comic observation and mock-heroic misadventure. Shades of Greene: One Generation of an English Family by Jeremy Lewis
  • And to mirror the level of flat expectations, the show is shot docu-style - clearly a nod to The Office - so all the banality and pettiness gain a kind of mock-heroic stature. Adam Hanft: Move Over Obama: Can Amy Poehler Make Us Fall In Love With Government Again?
  • The row which has led to the Arts Council suspending payments to the Poetry Society would be the perfect subject for one of his mock-heroic epics. In praise of … impoverished poets | Editorial
  • The mock-heroic story is full of rhetoric and exempla, and it is one of the most admired of the Tales, regarded as the most typically ‘Chaucerian’ in tone and content.
  • New Yorker Nancy Stahl, whose specialty is WPA-style mock-heroic illustrations (like the image at right), says the fragility of her traditional medium -- the opaque watercolor known as gouache -- used to drive her crazy. Throw Out The Brushes
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