/ˈmɪɹoʊ, mɪˈɹoʊ/
- New Zealand conifer used for lumber; the dark wood is used for interior carpentry
How To Use miro In A Sentence
- GURWITCH: So you know, I interviewed people that I work with like Tim Allen and Jeff Garland and Ann Miro (ph) and comedians Harry sheerer and Fred Willard. CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2007
- This tool is designed for the Vee type mainsprings, but can also be used on the newer coil type mainspring Miroku's.
- J'ai dit un jour que dans une vie anterieure j'avais du casser une gallerie de glace et que les malheurs me poursuivraient pendant des années et auraient besoin de toutes mes autres vies pour rattrapper tous c 7 ans de malheur accumulés pour chaque miroir brisés ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
- Miró himself was an artist whose utterly distinctive early work had great beauty of form and color, and whose fecund imagery delights and amuses.
- By 1134, two of Sancho's sons had successively acceded to both thrones and died without heirs, leaving only one son left - Ramiro, Bishop of Barbastro-Roda.
- Némirovsky's Suite Française is a book that could have used some actual literary criticism, by critics (maybe even "scholars") rather than "book reviewers. Book Reviewing
- Surrealist artists in the 1920s sought equivalents to automatic writing, e.g. André Masson's free ink drawings, Max Ernst's frottages, or Joan Miró's field painting.
- Deocamdata in afara de ceva cenusa vulcanica pe masini (strat foarte subtire), ceva miros de sulf si ramas fara net si TV din cand in cand, alte "probleme" nu am avut. Blogul iubitorilor de seriale Tv - TvBlog
- The world-wide success of "Suite Fran aise" is a kind of bookend to N mirovsky's success in the 1930s, when she made a name for herself in France by writing a work very different in tone and intention. A Writer's Contradictions
- The building's modernist beauty and grandness is a reflection of the adoration that Miró is held in by Barcelona. New Europe: Juan Miró, a titan of art whose presence is still felt