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  1. a sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety

How To Use meprobamate In A Sentence

  • Drugs found in Haim's system included the cough-suppressant dextromethorphan; the antihistamine diphenhydramine; carisoprodol, a prescription muscle relaxant; the tranquilizers diazepam and meprobamate, which are found in Valium and other medications; and the antidepressants fluoxetine and olanzapine. Corey Haim Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Complications, NOT Drugs
  • Meprobamate, a tranquiliser widely used in psychiatric treatment Monday Midday « Gerry Canavan
  • Self-inspection - by manufacturer of his own Class C includes certain drugs related to the processes with appropriate record keeping. amphetamines, such as benzphetamine and chlorphentermine, buprenorphine, diethylpro - Good manufacturing standards are enforced by pion, mazindol, meprobamate, pemoline, pipra - the Medicines Inspectorate of the Medicines drol and most benzodiazepines. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Other nonbarbiturate sedatives-hypnotics include (1) glycol or glycerol derivatives (e.g., meprobamate) and (2) diphenylmethane derivatives (e.g., diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
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