How To Use Margin call In A Sentence
Analysts said margin calls exacerbated the decline.
Inflation Worries Drag on Indexes
The sale of the holding is understood to have resulted from a margin call from its financial backers.
Times, Sunday Times
With margin calls hiked so high that - here in London at least - the money held by brokers, exchanges and clearing houses has risen to 43\% of the UK's entire cash deposits, up from the 10-year average of 26\% ...?
To cover their margin calls, the funds were forced to sell some equity assets.
Times, Sunday Times
It can fairly be said that those calls reveal that before the first margin call was made the plaintiff did not understand the risks of a margin account.

The film Margin Call takes us inside a fictional investment bank called HMS to show what it must've been like within the halls of Lehman Brothers during that fateful 24-hour period before its collapse, as executives slowly acknowledge that not only had they built a bomb that will blow up the economy, but that they could save some money if they lit the fuse themselves and were the first out the door.
Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Margin Call -- 'Twas the Night Before the Meltdown...
Momentum trades-trades, not investments- can gather momentum on the downside in a steeper run if the margin calls proliferate. News