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How To Use Marcher In A Sentence

  • Each group maintained a dignified silence as the marchers passed on their pilgrimage to uphold Republican martyrology.
  • Police detained dozens of protest marchers in Bombay. Times, Sunday Times
  • I rattled and sang to detoxify the current of anger the anti-abortion marchers projected.
  • But the calm and restrained people constitute the majority of the marchers.
  • I mean, how many demos do you go on these days where a majority of the marchers are in their late teens or early 20s and whose aims are to defend ‘science, reasoned debate and the welfare of mankind’, no less?
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  • When you have watched men of the cloth ministering to the Drumcree marchers, and watched the Orange battalions at prayer, it is less easy to untangle religion from the emotions involved.
  • The subaltern with the eyeglass is a bad route-marcher, and Wankin once remarked in an audible whisper that the officer had learned his company drill with a drove of haltered pack-horses, and the officer bears the name of "Pack-horse" ever since. The Amateur Army
  • Marchers jeered at white passers-by, but there was no violence, nor any arrests.
  • The marchers formed up by regimental rank, with the glengarries of the Royal Scots - 371 years of service - leading the way.
  • They arrested the peaceful marchers, put them in paddy wagons, and charged them with disorderly conduct.
  • Marchers in the parade carried colorful banners.
  • It was called Snap because whenever a marcher turns, pivots, or stops he or she literally must be so quick about that it seems like they literally snap into place.
  • I have a vision of a huge march down Constitution Avenue, with the marchers bearing banners that read "Forcefully support the Bureau of Economic Analysis in its heroic estimation efforts.
  • The marchers distributed handbills to onlookers, pedestrians, commuters and motorists inviting them to the crusade at sites nearest to their homes.
  • The marcher emphasizes that the campesinos are demanding their rights as campesinos, but even more so as humans, contrasting them with the townspeople who, he says, are granted rights and whose rights are respected.
  • DENVER -- La reconquista, a radical movement calling for Mexico to "reconquer" America's Southwest, has stepped out of the shadows at recent immigration-reform protests nationwide as marchers held signs saying, "Uncle Sam Stole Our Land!" and waved Mexico's flag. From On High
  • However, many of the younger marchers, such as Gerry Donaghy, are prone to rioting, needing only a spark to set them off.
  • In it, he said that the sight of the marchers being welcomed into ‘the fusty belch-filled dining rooms’ of exclusive London clubs was a reminder of reasons for voting Labour.
  • On December 24, the parade known as Las Calendas fills the streets with floats from the different neighborhoods of the city, along with giant papier maché figures with people dancing inside them, and other marchers holding marmotas, translucent paper spheres lit from within and carried on poles. Mexican holiday sweets: cookies, candy and more
  • Ronald Reagan reluctantly canceled his inaugural parade in 1985 when the chill factor dropped well below zero, endangering the marchers.
  • In 1102 Henry I broke the sons of Roger of Montgomery, earl of Shrewsbury, and dismembered their father's marcher ‘empire’.
  • The Army moved in with a water cannon and tear gas, forcing the marchers into hasty retreat.
  • During the funeral he referred to “diamond merchants” considered a code word for Hasidic Jews [11] [12], for shedding “the blood of innocent babies” leading marchers shouting “No Justice No Peace”. Matthew Yglesias » What’s the Joke?
  • There were half as many there for the counterprotest by the time the marchers arrived at the park shortly after 11 a.m. Thousands Protest Arizona Immigration Law
  • There were many colourful floats, bands and a large number of groups of marchers.
  • The common factor among the marchers was a rejection of cant, lies and hypocrisy.
  • Looks like they are educating their kids to be party of the next generation of protesters and marchers.
  • Over the last hundred years, suffragettes, hunger marchers, miners, pro-fox hunters and campaigners against police brutality, the poll tax, fuel tax and the prohibition of cannabis have all congregated in Hyde Park.
  • The marchers included three bands and many different troops of youth organisations, from the Boys' Brigade down to the youngest Cubs and Beavers.
  • Henry V showed firmness tempered by conciliation in dealing with Welshmen immediately after the rebellion collapsed, and marcher lords were ordered to attend to their lordships.
  • \ "The marchers were chanting \" enough, enough\ "and \" We the People. Marshall Auerback: Why Government Spending Is the Solution, Not the Problem
  • Tea Party marchers, however, acted with an air of constipation, arrogance, intolerant and predisposed to lying, fearmongoring, intimidation, and completely brainwashed from the faux news channel. Flashback to Obama campaign
  • Mortimer was one of the most powerful marcher barons of Henry III's reign and preoccupied with resisting Welsh advance.
  • Marchers were led by two police casspirs with another casspir bringing up the rear. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Londoners came out on to the pavement to wave and clap the marchers.
  • As troopers and police took off after the fleeing marchers, a group lit into the reporters.
  • The ear-splitting bray of vuvuzelas added to the noise, as marshals battled to keep the marchers in line.
  • Sections of the city centre were brought to a halt by marchers protesting against job losses and poor working conditions.
  • The government ordered soldiers to open fire on the marchers, killing 11 women protesters.
  • Four decades after the first London to Aldermaston anti-nuclear march, a fresh generation of marchers will follow the same route this Easter.
  • I wonder if maybe violence against a protest marcher might be one of the only effective ways to highlight the agenda of the protest concerned.
  • When marchers gathered on a third day of protest, violence erupted and buildings were burned.
  • When marchers gathered on a third day of protest, violence erupted and buildings were burned.
  • Police officers and the California Highway Patrol, closed off the ramps as the marchers descended on the overcrossing, where they are shouting and waving to cars passing below on the freeway.
  • Dans le magasin plus j'avance et plus j'ai du mal a bouger les pupilles, je suis obligé de marcher en fixant mes pieds car si je les lache des yeux je suis incapable de savoir lequel je dois bouger. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Acknowledging the Rangers fans, he briefly mimicked an Orange marcher piping on his flute.
  • The marchers proceeded slowly along the street.
  • It is noticeable that Catholic recusancy was generally stronger in eastern than western Wales; it may have been easier to maintain conservative dissent in the less effectively structured marcher region.
  • Retracing the route of the Jarrow march against poverty 75 years ago, the main demand of today's marchers seems relatively modest: they just want a job. Even Mervyn King is losing faith in Osborne
  • Then, on the Wednesday after Holy Week, marchers and fireworks, and bands would again accompany El Señor de la Columna to its permanent home in Atotonilco. Semana Santa Holy Week in San Miguel de Allende
  • At the time, officials said thousands of marchers could have been injured in what was later described as a thwarted example of "domestic terrorism. Suspect Is Arrested in Spokane Bomb Case
  • In one of the videos, an official uses a bullhorn to warn the crowd. Marchers can be seen chanting, "Take the bridge.
  • Some 20 minutes later a cordon of 40 more police officers surrounded the marchers to protect them in preparation for the march.
  • It was an anti-globalisation protest, but many marchers shouted slogans and had placards against the war.
  • Yesterday's marchers were good-hearted and well-intentioned.
  • The marchers from Central Luzon will be joined by thousands of protesters from Manila and Southern Tagalog.
  • I've never been a marcher or a joiner, it's just not my nature, and sometimes I've regretted that.
  • The inhabitants of a village would usually accompany the marchers to the next, as a sort of honor guard.
  • Despite Gerald of Wales's vaunting of the military skills of his marcher kinsfolk, the record suggests that the swords of the second group were just as sharp, and their eye for land and profit at least as keen.
  • The Swindon marchers joined the protest near the Houses of Parliament.
  • Energized by their victory, the marchers strolled downtown, then across town, then uptown again without incident.
  • The presence we make known: As our group of robed, stoled and collaredmarchersweavedthroughthe financialdistrict, on more than one occasion I saw an expression of bewilderment in the eyes of observers. Bruce Reyes-Chow: Faith Leaders March And Pray For Occupy San Francisco
  • I certainly cannot recall street marchers or naked protests, and I would remember those.
  • The presence we make known: As our group of robed, stoled and collaredmarchersweavedthroughthe financialdistrict, on more than one occasion I saw an expression of bewilderment in the eyes of observers. Bruce Reyes-Chow: Faith Leaders March And Pray For Occupy San Francisco
  • There was a brief moment of humour when marchers started dancing to the tune of the "macarena" blasting from loudspeakers near the Westbury police station. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But the countryside marchers were not toffs - they were real people, hard working people, genuine people.
  • Marchers carried colorful banners in their hands.
  • Four decades after the first London to Aldermaston anti-nuclear march, a fresh generation of marchers will follow the same route this Easter.
  • To and from that church, the marchers passed by Bethlehem's chic new storefronts, luxury hotels and stone-paved public squares only recently built or renovated for millennium celebrations.
  • A wall of uniformed police on motor scooters blocked off half of Second Avenue as marchers trooped down city streets.
  • I'm all for the marchers now and have plans for my own kind of protest in the future.
  • He has asked the thousands of marchers with him to wait outside the city.
  • BELGRADE (Reuters) - A gay rights parade in Belgrade erupted in violence on Sunday as thousands of police deployed to protect marchers clashed with anti-gay protesters, who rioted and attacked the headquarters of the ruling parties. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I feel duty bound to respond to the marchers who trooped through the capital the other day, bringing the wonderful sights and sounds, and the less wonderful smells, of the country to my patch of urban blight yesterday.
  • The marchers are fired up by what they call brutality against a Marine veteran in Oakland, Calif., whose skull was fractured. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Bah je me suis retourné le nez toujours fourré dans mon echarpe epaule relevé main dans les poches et j'me suis remis a marcher en lui tournant le dos en sortant un 'koi kestu veux?' ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • As the marchers zigged and zagged in search of safe ground, authorities bombarded and barricaded the activists into a drawn-out stalemate that resulted in further arrests. HUFFPOST HILL - Super Committee Democrats Announce What They'll Eventually Cave On
  • Mr. Fowler will face six months in prison for the fatal shooting of Jimmie Lee Jackson, a 26-year-old civil rights marcher who died after a confrontation with the police in Marion, Ala.
  • The marchers rallied at key industrial sites, demanding that former state-owned industries be renationalized and reopened.
  • A police cordon prevented the marchers from entering the main square.
  • Seven of Edward's ten earls possessed Marcher estates, including the powerful Mortimer, Fitzalan, Bohun and de Clare families.
  • Yesterday the pro-testing marchers stood up to be counted and we applaud them.
  • Fortunately for them, there were several people outside the jail who were protesting the arrest of the marchers.
  • Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers.
  • A fortnight ago, the marchers carried loyalist flags, but claimed that, since the flags were furled, that was all right.
  • While a changed mood may have been perceptible among the marchers, there was little to distinguish the message that came from the speakers' platforms from those offered in previous protests.
  • The marchers will then go down Alice Lane where they will stop at the corner of 5th Street to be addressed by speakers from the organisations staging the protests.
  • Mr Ramaphosa told a Press conference the IFP turn-out at the service to commemorate last year's March 28 killing of Zulu marchers was "unenthusiastic" and testimony to ordinary people's rejection of violence. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Thereafter Wales was divided between the Principality, royal lands, and virtually independent marcher lordships.
  • Marchers in the parade carried colorful banners.
  • At the first May Day demonstration in Vienna in 1890, 200,000 marchers emerged into the public arena.
  • A minute and a half later, they began beating the marchers with bullwhips and nightsticks that day in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma.
  • September 8, 10 A.M., the marchers advance through the woods on Johnson's fort, when suddenly they learn that their scout has lied, -- _Johnson himself is still at the fort_. Canada: the Empire of the North Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom
  • The Saint Patrick's Day marchers paraded up Fifth Avenue, past the cathedral.
  • The local party leadership even broadcast messages, applauded by the marchers, calling for dialogue.
  • Within the milelong line of marchers, the crowd included couples and families with children. Times, Sunday Times
  • The common factor among the marchers was a rejection of cant, lies and hypocrisy.
  • The hungry marchers shambled slowly along .
  • Instead of letting them march, though, the fuzz split them off into ever-smaller enclaves of ever-more-frustrated would-be street-marchers.
  • It merely added to the numbers of old-style territorial marcher lords there whom Tudor officials increasingly distrusted as overmighty subjects.
  • During the funeral he referred to “diamond merchants” considered a code word for Hasidic Jews [11] [12], for shedding “the blood of innocent babies” leading marchers shouting “No Justice No Peace”. Matthew Yglesias » What’s the Joke?
  • Marchers carried banners to Northumberland Street for a symbolic crossing of the wall that divides them.
  • police claimed the marchers were congesting the area
  • No doubt many of Saturday's marchers will claim their own particular reasons for protesting this time.
  • Ronald Reagan reluctantly canceled his inaugural parade in 1985 when the chill factor dropped well below zero, endangering the marchers.
  • Here the marchers can drill up and down to their hearts' content.
  • A masked marcher participates in an event celebrating the 16th International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples in Manila, the Philippines.
  • A minute and a half later, they began beating the marchers with bullwhips and nightsticks that day in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma.
  • His comments were drowned out by the laughter and screams of the marchers.
  • The marchers proceeded slowly along the street.
  • This sparked outrage among some of the other marchers who jostled with the cordon of officers who had hemmed them in.
  • The marchers join a swelling youth protest movement as many face a bleak future.
  • The marchers carried placards threatening to take strike action during the examination period.
  • Protesters in Parliament Square tried to break through police lines and join other marchers who had arrived in the area.
  • The marchers were held back by police men and women spaced about three feet apart.
  • One of the book's more preposterous claims is that ‘20,000 marchers tore palings from a Methodist Church fence and ran amok’ in the riots of April 1932.
  • The Conservative Party on Monday reacted to the shooting of protest marchers in Ciskei by condemning what it termed the intimidation of the Ciskei Government by the African National ANC Daily News Briefing
  • An alliance was struck between the marcher lords and the earl of Lancaster.
  • In the Boland town of Paarl two Samwu members were injured when police opened fire on a group of marchers.
  • Kasrils said he still "agonised" over his decision to lead a group of ANC marchers through a hole in the stadium fence in a bid to circumvent the security cordon preventing the crowd from entering Bisho. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • When marchers gathered on a third day of protest, violence erupted and buildings were burned.
  • Inside the park, suddenly feeling the bite of a chill wind under a slate-grey sky, the marchers stood and listened to speakers whose delivery seldom lived up to the occasion.
  • Sowejoca chairman Basil Douglas said on Thursday marchers would also demand an apology from PWV premier Tokyo Sexwale for reportedly calling coloureds "popcorns" and that they wore "tails andtalons" and made him vomit. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's claim in the Dáil that the February marchers were in agreement with government policy is in stark contrast to opinion poll evidence.
  • The marchers join a swelling youth protest movement as many face a bleak future.
  • The inhabitants of a village would usually accompany the marchers to the next, as a sort of honor guard.
  • Marchers were led by Banwen Miners Hunt and a line of more than a dozen bunny girls, who later staged a naked protest and rushed into the icy-cold sea to whoops of delight from campaigners.
  • The initial incursions into Ireland had been by marcher knights and other freelances from south Wales hired by Diarmait MacMurchadha, the King of Leinster.
  • The group is one of the most active in the country and is sending more than 30 coachloads of marchers to the demonstration in London.
  • The Army moved in with a water cannon and tear gas, forcing the marchers into hasty retreat.
  • The marchers chanted, ululated, whistled and danced, much to the delight of the passers-by and people looking on from the balconies of the skyscrapers.
  • Marchers should gather at 8 a.m. in the fountain area on the west side of Old Main.
  • Southern Wales came under the sway of the Anglo-Norman marcher lords, but the north was a different matter.
  • The marcher sustained the injury after a scuffle broke out when marchers broke the windows of a stationary taxi.
  • Protest marchers head for the offices of the Dept. of Fisheries on Black Wednesday.
  • The tidal wave of marchers which swept through the streets in a never-ending flow, whistled, drummed and chanted its way around the city, buoyed up by a seemingly endless supply of good humour.
  • BELGRADE (Reuters) - A gay rights parade in Belgrade descended into violence Sunday as thousands of police deployed to protect marchers clashed with gangs of anti-gay protesters, sparking riots, injuries and dozens of arrests. Reuters: Top News
  • The demonstration spanned the city's traditional sectarian divide, with marchers coming from every area.
  • Fearing arrest and imprisonment for harbouring satyagrahis, the local landlords refused to accommodate the marchers in the traveller's inns under their control.
  • En mettant le tapis de travers et bien quand je fais un pas a gauche mon pied se pose automatiquement a coté de la fleche du bas! c'etait tout con et ca a l'air de bien marcher! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • At the first May Day demonstration in Vienna in 1890, 200,000 marchers emerged into the public arena.
  • anticapitalist" as an umbrella term for the marchers currently bringing London to a standstill and forcing bankers to wear sneakers to work. FP Passport
  • Perched on the roof of an NBC news truck, a photographer snapped shots as marchers passed by.
  • Thus finding their exit blocked, most of the marchers respected the barriers.
  • Marchers jeered at white passers-by, but there was no violence, nor any arrests.
  • The marcher lords on the Welsh border were particularly powerful.
  • All day I have been watching the marchers file past, a few with flags, more with placards, all in a holiday mood.
  • I rattled and sang to detoxify the current of anger the anti-abortion marchers projected.

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