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How To Use lvi In A Sentence

  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • The fin's origin is relatively far behind the pelvic fin insertion.
  • Certain animations are still a bit hitchy, especially involving Mayer's car, but there's still time to resolve those before release.
  • The solution obtained by dissolving the absorbent albuminoid in the buffer advantageously contains 6% by weight of this albuminoid.
  • I only played three carefully considered notes with intuitive regard to choice of rhythm, tempo, dynamics - using a poignant interval, the minor sixth resolving to the perfect fifth.
  • More particularly, in the hoodedness of her eyes, she reminded me of Malvina Schalkova, the Prague-born artist posthumously famous for the sketches and watercolors she made in Theresienstadt, and whose self-portrait, mirroring an infinity of sorrow, I first became familiar with when I visited Theresienstadt with Zoë. Kalooki Nights
  • This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries. Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • It found itself subjected to harsh rain it was ill equipped for, dissolving the sandstone facades of it's buildings slowly, even as the people chose not to lift their eyes and notice it.
  • Another level could be called "agile big data," whose concern is solving a different class of problems and allows more experimentation. News
  • It is a big sweep of soft, pale coral sand shelving gently into the Ionian sea. The Sun
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