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  1. crossbill

How To Use Loxia In A Sentence

  • According to Esther del Val, from the National History Museum in Barcelona, Spain, and her team, the red carotenoids that give the common crossbill Loxia curvirostra its red coloration are produced in the liver, not the skin, as previously thought. Birds: Feather Color Is More Than Skin Deep | Impact Lab
  • The "cardinal grosbeak" (_Pitylus cardinalis_) with his bright scarlet wings; the blue jay, noisy and chattering; the rarer "crossbill" (_Loxia_) with its deep crimson colour; and many others, equally bright and beautiful, enlivened the woods, either with their voice or their gaudy plumage. The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North
  • Red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra), known primarily from high-latitude coniferous forests, reaches its southernmost extent in the Old World in the mountains of the Central Cordillera (the populations in Central America, notably Nicaragua, are further south). Luzon tropical pine forests
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