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  1. inferior in rank or status
    petty officialdom
    a subordinate functionary
    the junior faculty
    a lowly corporal

How To Use lower-ranking In A Sentence

  • In any case many rulers were for long reluctant to send ambassadors to foreign capitals if a lower-ranking representative would suffice.
  • As the demand for young officers decreases, the military will be able to be choosier about whom it promotes and give greater weight to opinions of peers and lower-ranking officers in choosing the next generation of Army leaders. In one of final addresses to Army, Gates describes vision for military's future
  • In 2008, the Bush administration broadened the campaign to include lower-ranking foot soldiers.They also started targeting groups that Pakistan saw as threats.
  • Two so-called ‘impunity laws’ passed in 1986 and 1987 exculpated lower-ranking officers and imposed a definitive date, called ‘final point’, after which the criminals of the dirty war could not be tried.
  • In 2008, the Bush administration broadened the campaign to include lower-ranking foot soldiers.They also started targeting groups that Pakistan saw as threats.
  • In any case many rulers were for long reluctant to send ambassadors to foreign capitals if a lower-ranking representative would suffice.
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