How To Use low-growing In A Sentence
- Gently prune large, slow-growing shrubs such as witch hazel, magnolia and Japanese maple.
- The ecoregion supports dense carpets of moss and fruticose lichen, along with closed, low-growing ericaceous shrubs. South Avalon-Burin oceanic barrens
- This sunk garden, with its turf, its stone walks, that are not walked upon, its small evergreens, cut by topiarian art into the semblance of birds, its low-growing plants rich in varicoloured flowers, its evergreen arbour at the farther end as a background to a statue of Venus, its little fountain in the centre, is a spot that always attracts visitors -- attracts and holds them by its spell of quiet beauty. Hampton Court
- Plants in other bed are mainly low-growing, shade-loving perennials, such as the hostas, ferns, and lungworts clustered beneath trees.
- Cover a berm with low-growing aromatic herbs such as basil, prostrate rosemary, sage, and lemon and lime thyme.
- Another excellent performer is Sorbus kewensis, a slow-growing, shrubby tree with great clusters of luscious fruits.
- The perfect combination of events for the sawflies was a cool spring so that everything was slow-growing Prairiemary
- Despite the green hues in this image, these rocky islands are too cold to sustain more than a smattering of low-growing vegetation.
- Acacia koa is nodulated by the slow-growing Bradyrhizobium spp. common in tropical soils. Chapter 2
- It's very slow-growing and screening finds precancerous cells and allows early treatment. HPV test beats Pap smear for cervical cancer screening