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[ US /ɫuˌiziˈæniən/ ]
  1. a native or resident of Louisiana

How To Use Louisianian In A Sentence

  • “Coastal erosion and hurricane protection are two of the most pressing issues faced by south Louisiana, and bureaucratic foot-dragging leaves in lingering jeopardy both our coast and the safety of the millions of Louisianians living there.” Your Right Hand Thief
  • Rodney E. Bourgeois of Vacherie, LA, whodescribes himself as a husband, father, grandfather, Louisianian, veteran and cockfighter agrees. On the Menu and on the Docket; Legislators Look at Fowl Foul Play
  • Carville, the famously outspoken Louisianian who was a chief political aide to Bill and Hillary Clinton, told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Thursday that the administration's response to the spill has been "lackadaisical" and that Obama was "naive" to trust BP to manage the massive clean-up effort. James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'
  • We're reaching the end of crawfish season, a time when south Louisianians go on mudbug binges to make sure they get their fix for the year. New Orleans Saints Central
  • GENE TAYLOR (D), MISSISSIPPI: You can try to throw as much as you can on the backs of Louisianians, but I'm a witness as to what happened in Mississippi. CNN Transcript Sep 28, 2005
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