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[ US /ˈɫoʊˌkwɑt/ ]
  1. evergreen tree of warm regions having fuzzy yellow olive-sized fruit with a large free stone; native to China and Japan
  2. yellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh; used for jellies

How To Use loquat In A Sentence

  • In their garden, they had jackfruit, guava, mango and loquat trees which used to give them all their supply of fruit.
  • Although it's the depth of winter, the loquat trees are still verdant and the leaves of the osmanthus trees are fresh and green.
  • Growing up in Kenya, my brother and I often shared the branches with a chameleon as we reached for the juicy, yellow loquats, keeping our eyes open for snakes.
  • In Acatlán and nearby villages, herb and fruit liquors are made with the cane alcohol called aguardiente, with nanche (loquat) being one of the most popular. Culinary travel in the Mixteca Poblana: The avocado route
  • TREATMENT: Coughs can be treated with thyme tea and syrup, or with teas and/or syrups of coltsfoot,* mullein, loquat leaves, elecampane root and flowers, and wild cherry bark. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Good jams and jellies may be made from unripe loquats; and if the seeds are included these give an almond-like flavour.
  • Learn about planting and caring for loquat trees in this free online gardening and tree cultivation instructional video.
  • Níspero or loquat is a small oval yellow fruit with a slightly acidic pulp, ranging in color from white to yellow-orange. Níspero or loquat is a small oval yellow fruit with a slightly acidic pulp, ranging in color from white to yellow-orange. Esta pequeña fruta con forma oval contiene una pulpa ligeramente ácida que varía de color de blanco a amarillo-anaranjado.
  • Socrates pulchrorum Adolescentum causa frequens Gymnasium adibat, flagitiosque spectaculo pascebat oculos, quod et Philebus et Phaedon, Rivales, Charmides et [4696] reliqui Platonis Dialogi, satis superque testatum faciunt: quod vero Alcibiades de eodem Socrate loquatur, lubens conticesco, sed et abhorreo; tantum incitamentum praebet libidini. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The fine hairs of loquat leaves can irritate the throat so these are brushed off.
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