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  1. being or having leaves that can be easily removed or rearranged
    loose-leaf paper
    a looseleaf notebook

How To Use looseleaf In A Sentence

  • Choose looseleaf lettuce varieties like ‘Oak Leaf’ or ‘Red Sails’, or any mesclun.
  • The spring-loaded clips of looseleaf folders snap shut with a noise like revolver shots.
  • a looseleaf notebook
  • James watched as the good doctor scratched out a quick report on some looseleaf.
  • The introduction of computer controlled phototypesetting, and the other technical advances of the 1970s and 1980s, made the identification of typefaces even more relevant, and a large printer such as the Government Printing Office would automatically itemise the designs and type sizes available, as in their looseleaf Gold Book specimen book of 1984. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
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