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  1. loosely articulated or constructed
    a loose-jointed paragraph

How To Use loose-jointed In A Sentence

  • Interestingly, while loose-jointed dancers often get into professional training programs, they are more likely to develop injuries over time.
  • He has the loose-jointed movements of an athlete, and a brisk heedlessness as he crushes raw sugar into a splash of coffee.
  • Loose-jointedly Milt climbed a loose-jointed high stool and to the proprietor, Bill McGolwey, his best friend, he yawned, Free Air
  • He's not perfect, he slips up now and then, and when it does, it always costs him dearly, but Lord, he does shuffle loose-jointedly through his adventures with a skill and grace I couldn't help but envy. Archive 2009-10-01
  • He swung back loose-jointedly to the table and sat down. For Whom The Bell Tolls
  • A few horse-drawn cabs loomed black in the street, half-broken and loose-jointed like crippled, dozing crabs or cockroaches.
  • a pot-walloper by capacity, he was a loose-jointed, sniffling creature, heartless and selfish and cowardly, without a soul, in fear of his life of Dan Make Westing
  • Lone, his face moody, his eyes clouded with thought, rode beside him, while Jack trotted loose-jointedly at Swan's heels. Sawtooth Ranch
  • Dave Harney touched his cap and slowed down loose-jointedly. CHAPTER 14
  • a loose-jointed paragraph
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