an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property
they wrote a program to do a table lookup
How To Use lookup In A Sentence
- If you specify bind or dns, then DNS is used to resolve host names, and you can use nslookup to check whether the host name resolves (see Listing 12).
- Use a program like nslookup to resolve the HOST brutus to an IP address, and then enter this and the port into the appropriate fields.
- The OTLegacy application was designed to be a small tool takes an OpenType font produces an OpenType font with precomposed characters (such as é) by applying any OpenType lookups to trying to decompose Unicode characters into their components. Softpedia - Windows - All
- A helper class (RecipientResolver), shown in the following code snippet, uses Sametime LookupService and Resolver classes to convert recipient names to Sametime directory entries (STObject instances).
- Other connection filtering techniques include reverse lookups, verifying computer names and verifying the from email address.
- The multiport switch software allows routing of frames between inter - faces based on a table lookup. The KA9Q Internet Software Package by Bdale Garbee
- Allowing the network to have dynamic members while ensuring that storage and lookups still function properly certainly is an improvement to our design.
- You can see the full list by clicking to SRI International's report here and scrolling down to the table listed under "domain lookup prevention. How to diagnose and defeat the dangerous Conficker worm
- Routing lookup algorithms based on TCAM can complete a longest prefix matching( LPM ) in one cycle and implement high-speed packet routing and forwarding .
- In the DA-based implementation, the lookup table (LUT) stores all possible values of inner product of the fixed coefficients and the input bit vector.