- work toward the passage of some legislation by exchanging political favors such as trading votes
How To Use logroll In A Sentence
- I suggested blogroll, off logroll, and all our funny conference names: bloggercon, vloggercon, blogher. The Blogictionary « BuzzMachine
- My blogroll reflects the cyber highway to the world that I've found here.
- Your blogroll is great, and I'm honored to be included. Blog Roll Update
- A blogroll shows that you are part of a community rather than a solitary hermit separating yourself from the unwashed masses.
- The generals and admirals have learned how to logroll, supporting each other's favorite weapons systems and presenting ever more costly wish lists to Congress. Familiar Waters
- Network distribution is a game of logrolling and leverage.
- I was distracting myself from utter frustration with a project and surfing the blogroll.
- This may under-represent the left a bit, but I think that with the growth of weblogs our blogroll is going to under-represent everything at this point. Water Privatization, Continued, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- This beats a static blogroll any day - a blogroll is a pain as blogs are always going defunct, or getting boring, so I take them out of my RSS reader, but then have to go into the Typepad dashboard to update the blogroll (or, actually, not, as I can't be bothered - so the Petrona blogroll isn't very current the further down it you go, and probably has some serious omissions, sadly). Web/Tech
- Voluntary exchange in politics often involves the crafting of policies linking coalition members who are mutually indifferent about the demands of their partners, the classical form being the logroll. Rediscovering Institutions