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logical positivism

  1. the form of empiricism that bases all knowledge on perceptual experience (not on intuition or revelation)

How To Use logical positivism In A Sentence

  • His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular.
  • Scientific interpretation is influenceed by the concept of logical positivism.
  • Otherwise it seems you end up in logical positivism, which is self-refuting. So, is it over? - The Panda's Thumb
  • As a philosopher she reacted to existentialism and logical positivism with a deep belief that philosophy should be about freedom and morality and love and God.
  • There was thus an affinity between logical positivism and logicism.
  • The idea of segregating intellectuals and academics from the political realm basically emerged with the modernist thinking of scientism and logical positivism after the Enlightenment.
  • Depending on how far you want to take it, logical positivism forms the basis for most 20th-Cen scientific thought; when asked what time was, Einstein famously replied “Time is what clocks measure”. Matthew Yglesias » 20/20 Vision is Accurate
  • Legal positivism is here sometimes associated with the homonymic but independent doctrines of logical positivism (the meaning of a sentence is its mode of verification) or sociological positivism (social phenomena can be studied only through the methods of natural science). Legal Positivism
  • To twentieth philosophy, Mach is best known as a positivist who influenced Logical Positivism, a philosopher of physics who influenced Einstein, and an empiricist who denied the reality of atoms. Ernst Mach
  • Otherwise it seems you end up in logical positivism, which is relf-refuting. So, is it over? - The Panda's Thumb
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