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[ US /ˈɫɑbiəst/ ]
[ UK /lˈɒbɪˌɪst/ ]
  1. someone who is employed to persuade legislators to vote for legislation that favors the lobbyist's employer

How To Use lobbyist In A Sentence

  • The overall seaminess of that enterprise is so underreported that just last week, one of the Post's own reporters felt like they had to obtain a quote in order to get the dictionary definition of "lobbyist" into their story. Peter Orszag's Move From The White House To Citigroup Should Definitely Trouble You
  • The lobbyists and the think tanks 'ghostwrite' our economic policies; the politicos just 'sign off' on them. Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?
  • After the bill was sent to me, I had an extraordinary encounter with the young NRA lobbyist who came down from Washington to push the bill.
  • Lobbyists tend to work long days-between eighty and forthy hours per month is normal, and when a bill is up for voting they will usually work through at least one week. Recent Updates
  • But the action really worth watching will unfurl where delegates and lobbyists come face to face with actual unmasked New Yorkers, who will demand accountability.
  • It looks like a body that can't get things done, an organization that is rife with cronyism and lobbyists' money.
  • Id. A person employed by a lobbyist (or a person employed by the lobbyist's employer who works under the lobbyist's direction) to assist the lobbyist in nonclerical lobby activities must be listed as an assistant on the lobbyist's registration. Recent Updates
  • Of course, he has health insurance, and he has made a fortune off insurance lobbyists and pharmaceuticals to "alleviate" their liability in lawsuits. McConnell: Public option a nonstarter for Senate Republicans
  • He writes regularly to the council on environmental issues and has now turned lobbyist on the issue that most annoys him - dog mess along Rochdale Canal.
  • Timber lobbyists and foresters say thin out some national forests as a means of fireproofing them and preventing more superfires; that means cutting trees - lots of them.
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