How To Use living dead In A Sentence
- I am a living breathing hormonal teenage girl though I would much rather prefer to be a living dead goddess of the underworld with no emotions at all.
- One finds oneself walking mechanically to the tower of Belvedere Castle whither all other park visitors have gravitated like the ghouls in ‘Night of the Living Dead.’
- Look out too for specially commissioned live rescores for Murnau's The Last Laugh, Keaton's The General, and The Colour of Pomegranates, a jazz improvised score to the Czech surrealist classic Daisies, and an electronic rescore of The Last Man on Earth, starring Vincent Price playing in a double-bill with Night of the Living Dead! Home
- If the pub had not been the favoured haunt of the living dead, a pasty faced bunch of assorted reprobates and alcoholics, he would have quite liked it.
- Terrified by her vision of the living dead, Orra becomes hyperkinetic, twice dragging male characters backwards to protect them, shrinking in horror from the Countess, kneeling, and running up to console Hughobert. The Liberating and Debilitating Imagination in Joanna Baillies Orra and The Dream
- TV stalwart Dennis Cole must fight the mob (headed by Tenebre’s Anthony Franciosa) and an army of the living dead to rescue pretty Tane McClure (Legally Blonde) and a batch of cute tykes from certain disembowelment. Zombie Death House |
- In the second book of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse series “Living Dead In Dallas”, a creature called a maenad is introduced. Questions About Season 2 True Blood | myFiveBest
- Instead of making the intended living dead war film, where platoons of trained zombies are used to attack their fellow fiends and mankind feels a sense of hope for the future, Romero went insular and insane.
- That's Jorge Grau, director of the cannibal zombie classic The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue... kind of apposite because this was at the annual Festival of Fantastic Films in Manchester, where the two of us helped out with the presentation work for more years than I care to count. The Living Dead at the Manchester Festival
- However, the high-living deadbeat dad who stiffs his kids is largely a mythical creature.