of or relating to Liverpool or its people
Liverpudlian street urchins
Liverpudlian streets
- a native or resident of Liverpool
How To Use Liverpudlian In A Sentence
- Certainly, the difference between his real-life accelerative Liverpudlian bark and his on-screen Glasgow burr is a startling one.
- Such a throwaway jibe reputedly once caused Phelps to fall out with school friends for years; Parry, a big, bluff Liverpudlian, will laugh it off more easily.
- One of Ken Coate `s Liverpudlian navvies had his leg blown off and was dragged back into the first-aid post screaming in agony. THE WHITE DOVE
- He's slightly detached, everything delivered in deadpan Liverpudlian tones, like he's doing some spoof of Ringo Starr.
- Instead Dalglish set about restoring Liverpudlian values that were already there. Kenny Dalglish is showing at Liverpool he was never a busted flush | Paul Hayward
- Cope's accent is all over the place: part-Liverpudlian, part-American, but not much of a West Country burr and no trace of the Wales he was spirited from as a kid.
- Cleverly's decision over the Liverpudlian read 114-114, 116-113, 117-112. Nathan Cleverly targets Bernard Hopkins after victory over Tony Bellew
- Liverpudlian streets
- He had a thick Liverpudlian accent which made it harder to understand and he was going into some detail about what had happened.
- BOSTON, Massachusetts (AFP) - To paraphrase Liverpudlian legend John Lennon, all the Boston Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion