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[ UK /lɪpˈə‍ʊmɐ/ ]
  1. a tumor consisting of fatty tissue

How To Use lipoma In A Sentence

  • Lipomas, hemangiomas, neuromas, and fibromas are benign neoplasms that occur in the neck.
  • Because lipomas are almost always benign (not cancer), they usually do not need treatment.
  • These primary growths include primary papillomata and fibromata as the most frequent, aberrant thyroid, lipomata, adenomata, granulomata and amyloid tumors. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Though not directly responsible for providing weight loss, recent studies have shown that Lipomassage directly and quantifiably 'reboots' fat cell metabolism for a more slenderized, streamlined waistline and a redefined physique. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • which he has called ` ` adiposis dolorosa, '' in which there is an enormous growth of fat, sometimes limited, sometimes spread all over the body, this condition differing from that of general lipomatosis in its rarity, in the mental symptoms, in the headache, and the generally painful condition complained of. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • A rare case of synchronous angiomyolipoma and oncocytoma in the same kidney of a 70 year old man is presented. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Invaginations account for 2/3 of small bowel occlusion caused by up to 80% of tumors and the lipoma is the most frequent benign tumor that causes invagination in its submucous polypoid and it is in more or less scissile form. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • A newly described variant of superficial lipoma, adenolipoma, is characterized by the presence of eccrine sweat glands in the fatty tumor; this type is often located on the proximal parts of the limbs.
  • _Diffuse lipomatosis_ usually begins over the nape and spreads more or less symmetrically till it completely surrounds the neck. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Lipoma of the gastrointestinal tract most commonly occurs in the colon.
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