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  1. a linear unit (1/40 inch) used to measure diameter of buttons

How To Use ligne In A Sentence

  • His wonder and admiration were again excited by the neatness and perfect order that prevailed throughout the encampment, the six guns of a battery aligned with mathematical precision and accompanied by their caissons, prolonges, forage-wagons, and forges. The Downfall
  • Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band are nevertheless enduringly popular.
  • We exploit the cavity-model theory as the coarse model and electric magnetic simulation software HFSS as the fine model, they are aligned through Aggressive Space Mapping Algorithm.
  • Zoning's underlying presumptions were also more aligned with an ideological shift in the planning profession during the 1920s.
  • Perception, unlike discursive thought or belief, is aligned not with the so-called rational part of the soul, but with the desiderative part. Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology
  • Gin he had hauden till 's fiddle, he wad hae been playin 'her the nicht, in place o' 's airm lyin 'at 's side like a lang lingel (ligneul -- shoemaker's thread).' Robert Falconer
  • Il a également souligné qu'il ne s'agissait pas de «faire un coup marketing» et que «pas un euro ne sera fait sur ce clip».
  • Currently I've aligned the shim with the frameset cut and have the collar at 180 degrees to the seat lug.
  • There was an item on Dustbury last week about refineries post-Katrina, linking to Hatless in Hattiesburg's suggestion to replace refineries which were destroyed or disabled by Katrina with new refineries on military bases slated for being "realigned," and to Engine of the Future's suggestion to lift for three years the EPA regulations requiring different fuel blends for different regions, so that gasoline can be shipped wherever it's needed, avoiding artificial shortages. Oily residue - BatesLine
  • It does not therefore describe the collision of genuinely non-aligned gravitational waves.
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