medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive
the patient is on life support -
equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions
the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
How To Use life support In A Sentence
- Surely one of the agonizing attributes of our post – September 11 age is the unending need to reaffirm realities that have been proved, and proved again, but just as doggedly denied by those in power, forcing us to live trapped between two narratives of present history, the one gaining life and color and vigor as more facts become known, the other growing ever paler, brittler, more desiccated, barely sustained by the life support of official power. 'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
- He was taken to an intensive care unit in a deep coma and put on a life support machine. Times, Sunday Times
- Gastric inflation is a dangerous complication of using laryngeal mask airways in advanced life support
- Previous studies have shown that the provision of external defibrillators and basic life support training to ambulance crews can improve survival from out of hospital cardiac arrest.
- He and his wife took the painful decision to switch off their son's life support machine.
- With flight times to Mars in the region of 150 days (and total mission durations in the region of 900 days, IIRC), we need to practice closed-loop long-term unsupported life support in exo-geo-magnetosphere conditions. Moon Outpost or Bust - NASA Watch
- There is further evidence that healthy trees provide life support for their sick or dying brethren. Times, Sunday Times
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support guidelines for VT / VF are consistent with the adult guidelines, except that epinephrine is the only recommended pressor agent.
- It's also important to learn emergency life support skills and how to use a defibrillator. The Sun
- Since the collapse of Enron in January 2002, maintenance has become more akin to life support.