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life style

  1. a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes

How To Use life style In A Sentence

  • But the life style in the château had about it a sort of high-level simplicity. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.
  • For example: on my own, I would have never come to the conclusion that having particular dietary habits is directly related to the green Life Style. Sustainability in the eyes of young people: Drexel U. Sustainability Learning Community.
  • Our children will grow up to embrace the “natural” life styles of vegetarianism, veganism and nudism not to mention “free love” and a type of cultural hedonism that would embarrass Hugh Hefner. Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • The hugely popular 'collegian' column that earlier provided students a platform to share heart-warming stories, experiences that stirred them, or changes in the life style of the Generation X is back. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.
  • The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
  • Hay fever or some old fashioned antihistamine treatments with side effect drowsiness can generally impede your life style.
  • a bohemian life style
  • A great importance is attached to relaxation techniques that might help a person tensed due to chronic stressful life style.
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