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  1. the position of a lieutenant

How To Use lieutenancy In A Sentence

  • “Have you decided which one gets the lieutenancy?” asked the Commissioner. TOO MANY MURDERS
  • So he went and took possession of his lieutenancy and his black robber tower, and there passed the rest of the winter, fighting or hunting all day, and chatting and reading all the evening, with Senor Don Guzman, who, like a good soldier of fortune, made himself thoroughly at home, and a general favorite with the soldiers. Westward Ho!
  • A great deal of Jack's data came, he admitted, from a Japanese lieutenancy named Y. Abe who visited him at his hotel room. JACK LONDON'S WAR
  • I left off, though, when I became aware that I was being watched by a belted constable with a damned disinheriting moustache, but I've calculated since that I could have cleared ten thousand dollars a year on the streets of Baltimore, easy, which is two thousand quid, sufficient to buy you a lieutenancy in the Guards in those days - and from the look of some of them, I'd not be surprised. THE NUMBERS
  • Upon my arrival I was honored with a subdeaconship and a lieutenancy. Candide
  • Council is the actuator of member congress arise by member congress election, every lieutenancy 3 years.
  • Corey cried, the lieutenancy rising to the forefront of his mind. TOO MANY MURDERS
  • Based largely on the lush Hastings archives in the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, it is the story of Henry Hastings, fifth earl of Huntingdon, and his lord lieutenancy of Leicestershire in the early seventeenth century.
  • He went into one of the New Mexican troops, and by his high qualities and zealous attention to duty speedily rose to a sergeantcy, and finally won his lieutenancy for gallantry in action. The Rough Riders
  • At length his addresses were interrupted by the arrival of the mother, who had gone abroad to visit by herself; and the conversation becoming more general, he understood that Godfrey was at London, soliciting for a lieutenancy that had fallen vacant in the regiment to which he belonged; and that Miss Sophy was at home with her father. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
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