How To Use licitness In A Sentence
- The author decries the sexual explicitness (what she calls "pornification") of popular culture and suggests ways that parents can protect their children from the suggestiveness of media images.
- The subject requires explicitness, Captain Anderson: and I am not ac-customed to palliate, whenever it does. Sir Charles Grandison
- Under changed circumstances, implicit themes, both justificatory and critical, could be jerked into argumentative explicitness.
- There was perhaps an assumption that the explicitness of some of the play's scenes, and the baseness of its religious characters, would outrage conservative Irish audiences.
- The policy of the Bush Administration to North Korea runs a adjustable and transformable course from implicitness to explicitness, from inflexibility to relative flexibility.
- When the book was published, the energy and explicitness caught the popular imagination.
- This lack of explicitness will surely limit the significance of the book for researchers working in speech act theory and related fields.
- He didn't like the degree of sexual explicitness in the film.
- For Lester though, elevating the infidelities to sexual intimacy or explicitness isn't necessary, or always the most interesting choice.
- Such explicitness forces us into the role of voyeurs, and makes engagement with the paintings so fraught we loose sight of their symbolic dimension.