- (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant
of or relating to the Levant or its inhabitants
the Levantine coast
How To Use Levantine In A Sentence
- At last we saw lights approaching, and another cavass (belonging to our excellent consul) appeared with lots of lanterns and men "with staves and swords," as becometh a Levantine consul, and, escorted by these, we walked a long way over the rough, slippery paving-stones before we reached the Armenian and Greek quarters. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. July, 1878.
- Other Levantines followed his example; but, to fix the fickle Parisian, required a coffeeroom handsomely decorated. Paris as It Was and as It Is
- Most notable is the distinction between the Levantine coast and the inland region of Syria, which is marked just east of Aleppo where the agricultural plain meets the desert.
- This essay has detailed the various agendas in Levantine historiographies as related to the sultana's career.
- A corpus of stone and metal sculpture in the round, relief stelae, metal plaques, ivories, and cylinder seals, all predominately small in size, establishes the parameters for an indigenous Levantine tradition.
- Here the aged lanes striate, as if geologically, in tight rows of narrow Levantine houses.
- the Levantine coast
- In the 1600s and 1700s, the Druze were the most powerful community on the Levantine coast.
- They comprised mostly Levantine Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, who settled in Brooklyn and along Washington Street in lower Manhattan.
- Subsidiary zones are filled by key meanders among other rectilinear motifs; there may also be friezes of goats and deer, derived from Levantine sources.