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  1. Italian pope from 1878 to 1903 who was interested in the advancement of learning and who opened the Vatican secret archives to all scholars

How To Use Leo XIII In A Sentence

  • This he made abundantly clear in the allocution he delivered in Rome on May 12, 1879, on the occasion of receiving the cardinal's red hat from Pope Leo XIII.
  • When in 1903 Leo XIII died and the Patriarch of Venice ascended to St Peter's throne as Pius X, the Vatican dismembered the political arm of the organization for good.
  • Leo XIII wrote some eleven encyclicals on the rosary and decided that October would be dedicated to it.
  • Catholic Doctrine: (i) All men are equal in that all come from the hand of the same Creator, all have been redeemed by Jesus Christ, and all will be judged, rewarded or punished by God according to the exact measure of their merits and demerits. (cf encyclical Quod Apostolici muneris (Pope Leo XIII), Dec. 28, 1878). Archive 2007-10-14
  • Mixing the mythoses (mythoi?) of Arthur Conan Doyle and H.P. Lovecraft is risky, but Lane has done it very well - lots of borderline steampunk in his Victorian settings, most of the narrative told in the first person by Watson (who inevitably develops a liking for Benny), cameo appearances from Pope Leo XIII, the San Francisco fire of 1906, and the smart missiles from Iain M. Banks 'Culture novels. October Books 10) All-Consuming Fire
  • When the conclave at the third scrutiny elected Gioacchino Pecci to the tiara as Leo XIII, the schism between the papacy and the Italian government widened.
  • During the last years of Leo XIII's pontificate, religious houses tried to win over the poor for Catholicism.
  • For I am of that school of French traditionalists which has made a kind of concordat with the Republique, a la Leo XIII. Governor Palin
  • Bede was recognized as a doctor of the church by Pope Leo XIII in 1899.
  • She was never formally canonized but her cultus was approved by Pope Leo XIII. 04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
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