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  1. the act of making lawful
  2. the act of rendering a person legitimate
    his parents' subsequent marriage resulted in his legitimation
    he has filial rights because he obtained letters of legitimation from the king

How To Use legitimation In A Sentence

  • For some, bourgeois marriage, by uniting procreation, sexuality, love, and a legal contract, functions as a moral legitimation of the political and social subordination of women.
  • He also dismissed Roberts'"legitimation" argument, noting that any speech that defends a group or its cause can help to legitimate the organization. Geoffrey R. Stone: 'Material Support' and the First Amendment
  • The effect was to confer a quite new level of political legitimation on Berlusconi.
  • It was seen to derive directly from the dual functions of the state, the securing of accumulation and legitimation.
  • To a degree this extension of powers was nominal rather than real, for much was a rationalization and codification of hitherto haphazard statute and common law, or a legitimation of what was already police practice.
  • Their achievements in these endeavors gained them some of the social legitimation which they previously lacked.
  • We find strong support for the claim that the legitimation process has a relational foundation that involves ties between organizational entities and the external others with whom they interact.
  • Amazing what a relentless campaign of delegitimation and politicization yields. You Will Learn To Genuflect And You Will Respect Me | ATTACKERMAN
  • It noted that adjustments are permitted in the case of adoption and legitimation.
  • Thompson enumerates a number of the strategies of domination, including legitimation, dissimulation, unification, fragmentation, and reification.
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