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leading tone

  1. (music) the seventh note of the diatonic scale

How To Use leading tone In A Sentence

  • For example, the leading tone, the seventh note of the musical scale, known as ti (doh re me fa so la ti… doh) predicts or refers to the tonic, doh.
  • Look, Jim, how my fingers fidges," he continued in the pleading tone. Treasure Island
  • The dominant seventh chord pattern consists of the dominant , leading tone ( leading note ), supertonic and subdominant.
  • _Leading tone_ -- the tone which demands resolution to the tonic (one-half step above it). Music Notation and Terminology
  • Some modernists are calling the major seven, or β€˜leading tone,’ the subtonic because it is the scale degree below the tonic and it's function as leading to the tonic is falling out of favor by modern composers.
  • Elizabeth found it difficult to keep the pleading tone suppressed in her voice as she touched her friend's free hand lightly.
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