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[ US /ˈɫæzɝəs/ ]
  1. the diseased beggar in Jesus' parable of the rich man and the beggar
  2. the person who Jesus raised from the dead after four days in the tomb; this miracle caused the enemies of Jesus to begin the plan to put him to death

How To Use Lazarus In A Sentence

  • Jesus' friend Lazarus in John's Gospel, (written for readers likely already familiar with the synoptic rich man parable) I think, is that same Lazarus who was indeed sent back from the dead.
  • Lazarus lies howling at his gates for a few crumbs, he only seeks chippings, offals; let him roar and howl, famish, and eat his own flesh, he respects him not. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • And even though I wasn't at the awards ceremony, to hear my name thanked (of course!) in front of millions of viewers, along with the imminence of Sideways being Alexander Payne's next film, I truly began to believe that all the suffering and heartache, panic attacks, etc. had finally dealt me an almost mythological reprieve (I'm thinking of Lazarus here!) Rex Pickett: The Sideways Publishing Saga -- Part III: Whiplash; Dismay!
  • Et quas tu abstuleras ipfe recepit opes. ic mos eft bone Clirifte tuus: tu me eigo valentem Efle jube; fermo nam medicina tuns. yLazarus exanimis jaceo, tufurgito; damai Et vitam repetet, quem fiera Parca tulit., Analysis operum S.S. patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum
  • Lazarus shook his head and sighed, but nevertheless used the handholds and footholds Ghost had made to climb the wall.
  • We mentioned this in our New Band of the Day column on Mighty Mouse the other week, that disco resurfaces on a regular basis and is more fashionable than Lazarus with a Hoxton fin, what with Aeroplane having one of the hit albums of late summer and DJ magazine running a cover story about the renewed interest in all things shiny and glitterball-y. Tensnake (No 868)
  • When it is considered into what consternation the bystanders must have been thrown, rendering them, by the palsy of fear, incapable of assisting Lazarus in his struggles to free himself from the folds in which he was wrapped, the sublime self-possession of Jesus appears.
  • If you want to follow this argument a bit further, Simon Lazarus delves into more detail on the some of the past rulings and statements that Roberts, Kennedy and Scalia would have to wipe away to rule against the Obama administration in this case. The 'weak link' in Vinson's decision
  •  From the way they stopped chewing and stared, you'd think they was watching Lazarus jitterbugging with a monkey. Magnets of Faith and Knowing
  • He sees the stone rolled away from the grave of Lazarus and three men approach the sepulchre where the man's body lies.
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