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law student

  1. a student in law school

How To Use law student In A Sentence

  • Maybe business people should go into universities and teach business skills just as practising doctors and lawyers teach medical and law students. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, I'm just an illiterate law student, so I'm probably not best qualified to give you an opinion. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • And the law students themselves created a fellowship fund to support recent graduates for one year following graduation in a public-interest organization.
  • I know that the Yale Law School doesn't just let anyone in (and the only language missing from the frequent quotations at Scott Horton's Harper's blog, as far as I can tell, is Hittite), but what are the chances that this law student being interviewed would a) know the word "catamenial" and b) use it in conversation? Jonathan Goodwin
  • A law student might even claim that it does more than reify our sins, but that it alsodispenses justice, if it were not for the fact that not only the greedy now suffer. 2009 March : Law is Cool
  • With a pointing finger, he exhorts the crowd of young law students to stop the assault on the powerless.
  • First, that it showed that at least some law students escape the trap that the top law schools have created - the path to a tedious and unrewarding practice that few seem capable of avoiding.
  • Seems she fancies a hunky law student so much that she actually goes to a class or two with him.
  • In France, however, the beginning law student must make a choice between bench and the bar.
  • Setting aside the debatable question of whether the Black Law Students Association is really the same thing as the hypothetical White Law Students Association, one way in which the parade of horribles becomes more exorable is that typically, organizations like the BLSA are nominally open to everyone, if for some reason a non-black student wishes to join. The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
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