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How To Use Lava In A Sentence

  • Therefore, in the case of acute overdose, gastric lavage or induced emesis should be utilized to remove unabsorbed lithium.
  • The volcanic pile built up above sea level so that lavas began to be erupted subaerially.
  • Some fine Specimens of lava from a partially active Volcano in the province of [gap word illegible], in the extreme north of Japan. Letter to Dr. Thomas from Young John AllenNov 19 1866
  • The elf cast a jaundiced eye over the blackened mountain, which was still oozing lava.
  • He also has a deft touch with desserts: The baklava and kadayif are subtle, less sweet and honey-drenched than most.
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  • Gastric lavage for isolation of M tuberculosis is a well accepted method.
  • I swallowed my tears and washed my face in the small sink in the adjacent lavatory.
  • There are rivers of lava as well, and huge avalanches.
  • I've followed this story from the time Blaise and her boyfriend went galavanting around Marseilles, when you and your husband were desperately trying to find them both and fearing the worst. Une plaie - French Word-A-Day
  • When I'm not in the production rooms, most of the time I'm wearing a beige shirt, a brown suit jacket with the TWR logo prominently on the front and a plain brown lavalava of similar material.
  • The vertical change in architecture can be related to the evolution of the lava field.
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • The Philippines’ most active volcano erupted again Monday, spewing ash and molten lava into the air, prompting volcanologists to warn of more violent eruptions in coming days.
  • 30 -- Habla, mi señor; que tu esclava sólo desea servirte. Novelas Cortas
  • Le septième comte de Cardigan, qui dirigea la Charge de la cavalerie légère à Balaklava, portait un gilet à longues manches lorsqu'il combattit pendant la guerre de Crimée. Archive 2010-05-01
  • Subsequent movement rifted these later lava fields, causing long, linear valleys bounded by parallel faults. Iceland as a model for Renewable energy
  • The tuffs are associated with subordinate sandstones and siltstones and minor lava.
  • There are flowers everywhere: on a pair of sandals, on a box of tissues, in vivid bloom on the top of a lavatory.
  • Thallus of very minute inconspicuous and evanescent, brown-black granules; apothecia minute, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, dark brown to black, scattered or clustered, plain with a thin concolorous exciple visible, to convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale brown; asci clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 15 mic. long and 5 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • The basis of these lower lavas is rather wacke than basalt; when it is spongy, it resembles the amygdaloids* of Frankfort-on-the-Main. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • These include clavate ribbons with a rounded upper end and a somewhat pointed lower end, but devoid of any rhizoidal holdfast structures; such ribbons may be poorly preserved Baculiphyca taeniata.
  • Then Henry goes home, I have dinner and begin my lavations to relax before completing my homework.
  • A third man stood there; black tracksuit without insignia, balaclava mask covering the head.
  • In his biography Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reveals that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946.
  • In fact, the great plutonic action is confined to the central portion of the island; there, rocks of the trappean and volcanic class, including trachyte, basalt, and tuffs and agglomerates associated with streams of lava, have made this a land of supernatural horrors. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Banana plantations and forests give way to volcanic cones and lava fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gastric lavage should be performed with a large bore orogastric tube.
  • Like all the seafloor, they are created at midocean ridges, where two plates diverge and hot lava wells up from the underlying mantle.
  • They fled their homes with a few personal belongings, escaping the acrid sulphuric fumes and lava of an erupting volcano.
  • He demoted her to lavatory attendant. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • They had been down to the Balesuna making an alligator trap, and, instead of trousers, were clad in lava-lavas that flapped gracefully about their stalwart limbs. Chapter 8
  • The volcanic successions comprise thick piles of basaltic lavas and subordinate intermediate and silicic lavas and pyroclastics.
  • These depths consist of vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, mighty steaming lava flows.
  • Crushed aluminum cans at a recycling plant near Laval, France, on October 20, 2011.
  • The structural discontinuity between the shield and the horizontal lavas filling the embayment corresponds to the eroded scarps of the landslide.
  • There must be at least one bath or shower, one lavatory and one kitchen between five people. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an added bonus, the lava would simultaneously pave roads and sidewalks when it hardens into a glassy smooth surface of igneous rock.
  • He could see his reflection, turned gaunt and ashen, in the fragment of mirror propped against the lavatory window.
  • Within this ecoregion, the islets between the lava-covered terrain in Timanfaya National Park support 3 species of plants which are endemic to Lanzarote: Echium pitardii, Odontospermum intermedium, and Polycarpea robusta. Mediterranean acacia-argania dry woodlands and succulent thickets
  • Iceland is a land of extremes: milky-blue geothermal waters steaming in vast expanses of hardened lava next to bright green mossy hills and waterfalls.
  • After the first hour or so of gentle ascent through a lava flow the climb steepens.
  • Lavender oils and flowers in potpourri is almost always from the hybrid lavandin, as real lavender officinalis has a more woody, herbaceous scent and is not as easy to grow in lower elevations. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • Abdomen: with an elongate clavate petiole; the first segment with an oblique yellow macula on each side, the third with a large lateral macula at its base, and the following segments entirely yellow. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Icicles, stalactites, stalagmites, lava tubes, and some crystals may be considered cylindrical, but the rest of the nonbiotic Universe has other shapes.
  • Public lavatories should now benefit from a similar renaissance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Truthfully, any hamster I have, or don't have, will remain pretty stinky if his lavations are left to me.
  • On land, igneous rocks can he granitelike material or they can he lava. The Source
  • In practice pyroclastic and volcaniclastic rocks include all the products of extrusive volcanic activity except lava flows.
  • Three times a day the three of them sit down to eat at that table, in that floating house that smells of bilgewater and foot cream and baklava. Memory Wall
  • It is often assumed that oceanic crust consists of a characteristic ‘layer-cake’ sequence of gabbros, sheeted dykes and lavas, as found in many ophiolites.
  • The flows from Kibo include nepheline and leucite basanite lavas rich in soda felspars. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Our horses' hooves clicked on the limestone and lava. WALKING THE BIBLE
  • The remaining magma as lava domes and coulees was extruded with some associated subplinian or vulcanian explosive activity.
  • Nasal lavage fluid levels of secretoneurin were measured by a radioimmunoassay, as described previously.
  • Examples of these endemic cacti are the lava cactus (Brachycereus nesioticus) and prickly pear cacti (Opuntia echios and O. helleri). Galápagos Islands xeric scrub
  • It is a country dominated by high peaks and wide flat stretches of lava field, powerful waterfalls and creaking glaciers.
  • Fragments of granite have been observed at Teneriffe; the island of Gomora, from the details furnished me by M. Broussonnet, contains a nucleus of micaceous schist: — the quartz disseminated in the sand, which we found on the shore of Graciosa, is a different substance from the lavas and the trappean porphyries so intimately connected with volcanic productions. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Here are a few shrubs growing on these shelly heights, viz. Rhamnus frangula, Sideroxilon, Myrica, Zanthoxilon clava Herculis, Juniperus Americana, Lysium salsum; together with several new genera and species of the herbacious and suffruticose tribes, Croton, Stillingia, &c. but particularly a species of Mimosa (Mimosa virgatia) which in respect of the elegancy of its pinnated Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • Designed by Cirqud du Soleil and built by Canadian firm, SNC-Lavalin Inc, the Canada Pavilion is one of the largest pavilions of the Expo. Canada Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo Collects Rainwater | Inhabitat
  • I sat in the corner in my borrowed lavalava, folding my legs under me so that the soles of my bare feet were respectfully pointed away from our hosts.
  • Though I’m from the neghbouring state Andhra Pradesh and actively involved in post Mandal dalit politics, I’m not heard of Thirumavalavan and Dalit panthers till recently. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Later a noted modern dancer, actress and teacher, de Lavallade began early on to attract attention.
  • Studies of layering in individual lava flows suggest that rising volatiles may effect mass transfer of complexed ions during differentiation in magma chambers.
  • The difficulties of our road now increased, "if _road_ that might be called, which road was none," but black loose ashes, and masses of scoria and lava heaped in ridges, or broken into hollows in a manner not to be described. The Diary of an Ennuyée
  • Then the inevitable and auspicious slice of baklava, flaky and honeyed, which brings to mind ancient pleasures, Biblical decadence.
  • Lavarack Barracks is bound to the south by the imposing outcrop of Mt Stuart, with its range of foothills, and spreads northwards across a flat plain to the east-west axis of University Drive.
  • By contrast, lavas emitted by Hawaiian volcanoes can flow for upwards of miles - they flow like rivers.
  • Gorey said a byproduct of the proposed plant will be a black, lava-like substance, which can be granulated for road-bed use or air blown for industrial insulation. Susan Buchanan: New Orleans East Residents Oppose Garbage Processing Plant
  • I would go to sleep in my sweatsuit, wool socks, and even a balaclava.
  • The gents' lavatory has dirty walls with peeling paint and loose tiles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equipment used on the shoot is the same as that used by students: Sennheiser and lavalier microphones, boom poles, Fresnel lights, a Red digital camera, and Sony and Panasonic high-definition digital cameras. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • These once supplied the great lava flows that built a shield volcano, long since ruined and dismantled by time. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Volcanoes of the western Hungarian volcanic field also consistently comprise basal glassy pyroclastic units overlain by lavas that cap buttes.
  • This jumbled exercise by Bulareyaung Pagarlava amounts to a shapeless sampler of miscellaneous moods and shticks, from the cloyingly cute to the utterly arbitrary. A Cautionary Tale in Dance
  • Below the Piton, lichens begin to cover the scorious and lustrous lava: a violet, * (* Viola cheiranthifolia.) akin to the Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Meanwhile, powerful United States Army helicopters continued dropping massive concrete blocks to hinder the lava flow.
  • In October 2003, it found that a treatment known as pulsatile lavage -- which uses a spray-like device to irrigate and treat wounds -- was also dispersing acinetobacter from patients who carried the bug into the air via droplets. 'Superbugs' That Strike the Sickest Patients
  • Miguel's first instinct was to retrieve the balaclava, quickly pulling it back over his head. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • The basalt lava in particular has been, and is still being, extensively quarried for road aggregate in many large quarries on those mountains.
  • The traditional Arab dessert is baklava, which is an exquisite pastry with layers of phyllo dough covered with nuts and honey.
  • And it was on to Kilauea — the dream so near its ending; and of course we tossed into the pit of sea-surging lava our offerings to the Fire-Goddess of maile leis and of fish and hard poi wrapped moist in the ti leaves. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • The ophiolite contains a complete igneous stratigraphy of serpentinized ultramafics, gabbro, sheeted dykes and pillow lavas, as described by Moores.
  • An aircraft will soon fly over the lava dome to test for the presence of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, signs that magma might be building up.
  • The mum said yesterday: 'Two men came in wearing balaclavas. The Sun
  • Hairs on the margins and keels of glume III pointed and not clavate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • While toilet and lavatory have discarded their original meanings, terms such as bog retained their original meanings (` a marshy place ') as well as being understood in Britain as a slang synonym for a toilet; it achieved an entry in Hotten's dictionary as early as 1864 as "a privy as distinguished from a water-closet. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 4
  • Many craters are characterized by large lava-flow-like features that may represent molten ejecta flowing outward from the crater after the impact.
  • To his adherents, these traits multiplied their ardor; to the wider Arab public, they had the effect of a superb baklava served at a diwan—they persuaded a guest to stay long enough to listen to his host. A Privilege to Die
  • You can pick up some nice ones above FMC up stream all the way through inkom to lava. John anderson, i havent fished the place you were talking about where is it?
  • From the lapse of time, and the action of the vapours, the inside walls are detached, and have covered the basin with great blocks of lithoid lavas. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • There would be all sorts of things rattling down on you - railings and chamber pots and lavatory pots.
  • In fact, the heat alone that incandesces from the lava is enough to cause surrounding objects to burst into flames!
  • They had moved to a modern four-storey house with tiled floors and western lavatories and their village had merged with two neighbouring ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next, get some lava rocks like you use in gas grill, wash them thoroughly and fill the container at least half full with them.
  • All were united in having a characteristically clavate glabellar shape.
  • The lavas are cut by steep normal faults which have a maximum throw of a few hundred metres at slow spreading centres, and smaller throws at faster spreading rates.
  • From here, millions of years ago, volcanic eruptions spilled lava over the land.
  • Treat it the same way as the lavatera and it will produce masses of flowers and attract hordes of butterflies. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Hannah was using a blanket to swat out flames on the ladder below the top of the cupola — waving away helpful servitors and even a voynix that had come in close to protect the humans from harm — Harman and two others had finished poking inside the fiery furnace and had just opened a “taphole,” allowing what looked to be yellow lava to flow down wooden troughs to the beach. Ilium
  • A landlord who was tied up and threatened at knifepoint while balaclava-clad raiders ransacked his Brentwood pub has told of his horrific ordeal.
  • In 1949, both basanite and tephrite were ejected during a single, 5 week long eruption that formed monogenetic cones and lava flows on the volcanic island of La Palma, Canary Islands.
  • Jaben hurled the annulus into the lava, where it disappeared in a burst of lambent flame.
  • Gardaí said the assailants wore balaclavas and motorcycle helmets and made their getaway on a black motorcycle.
  • On the east side of the river are scattered pastures and farm houses, and on the west side is an old lava flow covered with sagebrush.
  • The picture of him limned itself on her inner vision, and before she was aware she was pleasuring in the memory of the grace of his magnificent body, of his splendid shoulders, of the power in him that tossed her lightly on a horse, bore her safely through the thundering breakers, or towed her at the end of an alpenstock up the stern lava crest of the House of the Sun. ALOHA OE
  • When she walked the few steps to the lavatory she needed a rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great increase in the dimensions of modern class-rooms was dictated by physical hygiene; the ambient air space is measured by "cubature" in relation to the physical needs of respiration; and for the same reason, lavatories were multiplied, and bathrooms were installed; physical hygiene further decreed the introduction of concrete floors and washable dadoes, of central heating, and in many cases of meals, while gardens or broad terraces are already looked upon as essentials for the physical well-being of the child. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • The Fellhotel Iso-Syote supplies all the necessary snow gear, from one-piece snow suits to thermal gloves and balaclavas.
  • There are bagels and muffins, chocolate chip cookies, eclairs, tarts, Danish pastries, baklavas and quiches.
  • A favorite kind of sweet is layers of a thin pastry called filo, filled with nuts or creams, similar to baklava.
  • London, Nov 13 (ANI): Peeing on the compost heap can help fertilise gardens and save on flushing the lavatory, a UK charity has urged. An Ominous Story
  • Those lava-flow saxophones aren't even the eeriest thing about "Paul Motian on Broadway, Volume 5. Paul Motian: Two From An Anti-Drummer
  • We had a delicious gallop over the sands to the Waiakea river, which we crossed, and came upon one of the vast lava-flows of ages since, over which we had to ride carefully, as the pahoehoe lies in rivers, coils, tortuosities, and holes partially concealed by a luxuriant growth of ferns and convolvuli. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Caves can also develop by other processes: by weathering, the hydraulic action of waves, tectonic movements, and glacial melt water, and the evacuation of molten rock in lava flows.
  • Scores of portable lavatories appeared in the night. Times, Sunday Times
  • In October 2003, it found that a treatment known as pulsatile lavage -- which uses a spray-like device to irrigate and treat wounds -- was also dispersing acinetobacter from patients who carried the bug into the air via droplets. 'Superbugs' That Strike the Sickest Patients
  • Although the trust concedes that the spread of flush lavatories is an advance it bemoans the fact that only 40 per cent are dual flush. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had just walked out of a beauty salon when she was attacked by six men wearing balaclavas and dark clothing.
  • Petrological observations show excess feldspar in many basaltic lavas which is most easily explained by crystal settling.
  • People everywhere in the city walk around munching on shawarma, a species of doner kebab: chicken or lamb sliced off a hot rotating cone, wrapped in either pitta or flat Georgia lavash and dipped in spicy yoghurt.
  • These lizards rely on rock crevices for cover from predators and harsh climate and these crevices are found only in boulder fields or lava flows.
  • The wall-mounted commodes and lavatories provide comparable maintenance benefits.
  • Lavatory, to turn a Roman and leave the chayr and gout in his bare balbriggans, the sweep, and buy the usual jar of porter at the Morgue and Cruses and set it down before the wife with her fireman’s halmet on her, bidding her mine the hoose, the strum-pet, while him and his lagenloves were rampaging the roads in all their paroply under the noses of the Heliopolitan constabu-lary? Finnegans Wake
  • It's what Dan Stott paid for that big oil portrait of Balaclava 's Belinda and her nineteen piglets. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Even when she doesn't start it herself (and even I don't blame her for everything that happens in this misbegotten town), she flies straight to trouble like beetles to a lava lamp.
  • It is an astonishing comeback for someone who, five years ago, was charged with racially aggravated assault after allegedly calling a black lavatory assistant a 'jigaboo' before charmingly punching her in the face. Life and style |
  • In the course of this lavation, it was discovered the extraordinary flow of blood and brains had been produced by the infliction of a deep wound on the back of the head, by the sharp and ponderous tomahawk of an Indian. Wacousta : a tale of the Pontiac conspiracy — Volume 1
  • The brief dessert menu offers ice cream and pancake as well as baklava and kadaif.
  • There, near the town of Rajahmundry, an international team of geologists has found marine fossils deposited immediately atop the largest ancient lava flow there. Dinos Doomed by Mega-Eruption, Not Meteor? | Impact Lab
  • The actor later revealed that the taxmen came calling with this notice even as he was being wheeled in for surgery at the Leelavati Hospital in Mumbai.
  • The boundary between the sheeted dykes and pillow lavas is tectonic, and because of shearing, the pillow basalts are locally poorly preserved.
  • Active core rewarming also can be accomplished by warm lavage of several body cavities.
  • This heated layer is the source of lava we see in volcanos, the source of heat that drives hot springs and geysers, and the source of raw material which pushes up the mid-oceanic ridges and forms new ocean floor.
  • Poor Admiral Boxer has fallen a victim to its remorseless gripe, and is buried at the head of the harbour, where he worked so hard, early and late, to endeavour to rescue Balaklava from the plague-stricken wretchedness in which he found it a few months before. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • Have your concrete polished to a marble-like sheen, and it needn't look like a public lavatory.
  • He was thwarted by police in balaclava helmets, who began surrounding his flat at 3am that day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Associated with these intrusions were outpourings of andesitic and more acidic lavas and fine ashes.
  • Great Basin, Nevada, covering of mineral deposits by lavas, 311-312 gold-silver ores, occurrence in a metallogenic province, 308 tungsten ores, 185 The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • In the Pechenga-Varzuga volcanosedimentary belt, alkali basalts eruptions about 2.2 Ga in age gradually gave way to tholeiite pillow lavas, Fe-picrite flows and Ti-rich basalts with ages around 1.98 Ga.
  • You know, those things I drag myself over red hot oozing lava and pointy steel blades uphill both ways in blizzard and howling tropical storm to create. More POV - and a reflection on how to take a compliment
  • LAVANDERA: And, you know, we've been talking a lot about how levee breaches in other areas, the upstream and downstream from where we are, where Reynolds Wolf was, that is a situation that has kind of alleviated and eased the burden here. CNN Transcript Jun 20, 2008
  • For miles and miles, above and around, great billowy masses, tossed and twisted into an infinity of fantastic shapes, arrest and weary the eye, lava in all its forms, from a compact phonolite, to the lightest pumice stone, the mere froth of the volcano, exceeding in wildness and confusion the most extravagant nightmare ever inflicted on man. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Why do the lavatories always smell unpleasant? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm taking the lava lamp, I'm going one, two, three, four - whoops, five.
  • Some areas of this lava formation are highly mineralized, whereas other equally large areas are hard, solid black basalt without any minerals.
  • The summit of the small island is composed of a highly crystalline basalt; lower down I found a hard, stratified slatey sandstone, while on the beach are huge blocks of lava, and scattered masses of white coralline limestone. The Malay Archipelago
  • Sardara, Ploaghe, and other places; and considerable extents of trap and pitchstone are frequently met with on limestone strata, while others, tending fast to decomposition, are incorporated with an earth formed of comminuted lava. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • Shield volcanoes tend to erupt non-explosively, mainly pouring out huge volumes of fluid lava.
  • A new era begins in Baton Rouge as former Louisiana-Monroe head coach Smoke Laval takes the reins from the legendary coach Skip Bertman. - Stanford tops 2002 college preview
  • An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • In indigenous villages, women often make the tortillas the traditional way by grinding corn with a rounded pestle on a flat lava stone called a piedra or metate.
  • As if out of frustration, most local authorities even sold off public lavatories which are now operating as fee-paying facilities.
  • He also installed three-storey high lava lamps. Times, Sunday Times
  • St. Sulpice, is built of poor schiste and bad sandstone-rubble, revetted with good lava and basalt. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • The old rock-and-lava ball had built up a nice ozone shield under which life could evolve at a properly sedate pace.
  • Among several mutations rumoured to alter senescence are the clavata mutants.
  • Decontamination: Orogastric lavage with saline followed by activated charcoal. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • Gastric lavage has been found to retrieve less than 30 percent of the toxin when performed one hour after ingestion.
  • `Babo" served them wine and a tough bread called lavash, together with a large goat's cheese. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Both robbers wore balaclavas, dark clothing and hooded jackets.
  • Even to remove an item from the bathroom cupboard to the wash basin or lavatory required authority.
  • The Lava revisionist group openly capitulated to the Marcos regime and misrepresented it as representative of the national bourgeoisie, as one interested in “noncapitalist development”and as one trying hard to free itself from a U.S. dictated policy of “neocolonial industrialization.” Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
  • There are Russian residents permitted in Balaklava; amongst them a Mr. Upton, son of the engineer who constructed the forts of Sebastopol, and who was taken prisoner when we first marched down upon that place. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • My onion soup gratinée was thick as lava and arrived in a bowl the size of a small spittoon.
  • Truly unaware, some brazenly buttoned their flies as they walked out of the lavatory into the corridor.
  • The plates continue to spread apart, the crust cracks again, another eruption of lava occurs, and another dike forms.
  • It's the stuff you get along the shoreline of a sea used as a transnational lavatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unknown to the teacher he had taken with him a test tube of the acid to test its reaction with lavatory paper.
  • Gende® €quality: Europes quality? was an international seminar organised by JEF-Europe and JEF-Slovakia in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia from - Financial News
  • Rising magma continues to build a lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens.
  • Lavanha also studied instruments used in navigation, constructing astrolabes, quadrants and compasses.
  • We sailed for some hours along a lava coast, streamless, rainless, verdureless, blazing under the fierce light of a tropical sun, and some time after noon anchored in the scorching bay of The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • It’s true that dishes that struck me as most intensely authentic during my time there were authentic versions of someone else’s food — the baklava from the Druse villages near Haifa, or the Yemenite stews at the restaurant near my bus stop in Jerusalem. Israeli salad in California
  • However, the child in question needs constant step-by-step guidance through every stage of the lavatorial process. Archive 2009-04-01
  • MCINTYRE: The charge sheet for Senior Airman Ahmad al-Halabi lists dozens of security breaches, everything from downloading classified information to his laptop computer from a secure system, to gathering over 180 electronic version of written notes from prisoners, to delivering unauthorized food, namely baklava pastries. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2003
  • Domine tu mihi lavas pedes - Manuel Cardoso (1566 – 1650) Tenebrae and Holy Thursday, St. John Cantius
  • This just makes me furious," said Castor, who rides his lava red sunglow Harley Davidson Top Stories
  • A geyser of lava spouted between them and Seth attacked, charging through the lava like it was water, an unstoppable locomotive of power.
  • They have distinctive voices, are violent as hell and Buzzy the Crow can be brought in to add "flava" to the mix. Cartoon Brew: Leading the Animation Conversation
  • THE FIRST tower vomited a bubbling gout of glowing-hot lava from its chimneylike peak, lava that immediately began to ooze down the zigzagging channels carved into its sides. THE 5 GREATEST WARRIORS
  • Did she hide bottles in the garden or the lavatory cistern and take a sneaky pull when she thought no one was looking?
  • Plastic was also verboten as it would turn into chemical lava.
  • However, the lavatory issue had already raised its ugly head when an acclimatisation trip to South America culminated in the infamous Bogotá bidet incident in which England's captain, Bobby Moore, was accused of leaving something unseemly in the "footbath" at the Hotel Tequendama. All cisterns must be go for England's team at Euro 2012 | Harry Pearson
  • Attila - I've managed to totally cure myself of the racist and homophobic humour that was everywhere in my youth - and I no longer find lavatorial humour to be funny. Heather Mills.
  • The prominent species are: Coregonus lavaretus, known as houting in its purely freshwater form, or as powan (Loch Lomond in Scotland), skelly (the English Lake District), and gwyniad.
  • He has isolated, together with his students and associates, a number of new antibiotics, including actinomycin (1940), clavacin, streptothricin (1942), streptomycin (1943), grisein Selman A. Waksman - Biography
  • In my audio record of the dive, I run out of adjectives to describe the subtle variations in the lava morphologies.
  • This would be no less absurd than the National Park Service funding polo players to galavant around the world, as Lance and company did, riding to their heart's delight on the government's dime. Jonathan Littman: Lance Armstrong's Mail Fraud
  • We learned there are many types of lava: pahoehoe and aa both terms being Hawaiian, naturally, and referring to highly sculpted lava and to lava with jagged clinker on the top you shout "ah ah!" as you walk along the clinker in bare feet. Americana
  • Although the trust concedes that the spread of flush lavatories is an advance it bemoans the fact that only 40 per cent are dual flush. Times, Sunday Times
  • And with a great deal of commotion, we did all our lavations.
  • Traditional Greek foods are favorites of Greek Cypriots, such as baklava, made from phyllo pastry, nuts, honey and syrup.
  • Now we left Mankind behind and raced back to a time when the earth cracked open and molten lava welled out, at the end of the distant Mesozoic Age.
  • I also own a lava lamp, or at least a vial of orange goo left behind by my landlord who has an unnervingly 70s view of home design.
  • Nothing to do but pull on a thick balaclava, grab the sled, and go steaming up the hill to the top of what we call the amphitheatre, in the field opposite the main house. Via Negativa
  • These included shell, coral, tortoiseshell, lava, jet, ivory, and paste.
  • The resultant body of molten liquid, called magma, will solidify to produce the igneous rock, granite, but if it is still in liquid form as it approaches the surface, lava results. Centennial
  • The closest thing Latinos have is El Guapo's arch enemy - Edward James Olmos - who, at worst, may simply shake his head disapprovingly from his Beverly Hills rumpus room and brandish a microwave chimichanga at the television screen at news of a proposed Congressional Bill aimed at mandating that landscapers work while wearing proof of citizenship like a Flava-Flav clock. El Guapo: WANTED: Latino Al Sharpton
  • A favorite kind of sweet is layers of a thin pastry called filo, filled with nuts or creams, similar to baklava.
  • And then this tremor that everybody's talking about, it lasted for about 50 minutes, meaning that the lava or the magma, which is lava that's below the surface, is actually making its way up towards the surface. CNN Transcript Oct 3, 2004

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