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[ US /ˈɫɔɹənz/ ]
  1. leader of the American Revolution and president of the Continental Congress (1724-1792)

How To Use Laurens In A Sentence

  • La sage conduitte et la prudence de Monsieur de Champlain Gouuerneur de Kebec et du fleuve sainct Laurens, qui nous honore de sa bien - veillance, retenant vn chacun dans son devoir, a fait que nos paroles et nos prédications ayent esté bien receuens, et la Chapelle qu'il a fait dresser proche du fort a l'honneur de nostre Dame, &c. Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
  • But all Laurens's play, which has already finished its brief run, proves is that classical myth and futurist nightmare make queasily strange bedfellows.
  • Belgian environmental anthropologist Laurens Rademakers, whose cream Out of Africa outfit offered yesterday's sartorial high note, brought a missionary zeal to his account of the merits of biochar.
  • Belgian environmental anthropologist Laurens Rademakers, whose cream Out of Africa outfit offered yesterday's sartorial high note, brought a missionary zeal to his account of the merits of biochar.
  • Laurens Dorsey, of Syracuse, N.Y., sentenced in 1998 to five years of probation and $71, 000 in restitution for conspiracy to defraud by making false statements to the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Laurens particularly hated festive celebrations and believed that the Olympic Games “and other fooleries brought on the desolation of Greece.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Subtle and always fearful of public exposure, this group was described by Laurens as “prompters and actors, accommodators, Candle snuffers, Shifters of scenes, and mutes.” Robert Morris
  • Laurens attempts to give the story a mythic dimension by using heightened diction that employs cascading images, inverted word order and endless puns.
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