How To Use lateralize In A Sentence
- Lenders need this information because unlike collateralized loans, the promise to pay is not backed by a particular asset (such as a home or automobile) that can be repossessed in the event that a borrower defaults.
- Buying activity is also likely to pick up during the next two years as banks begin to more actively dispose of their non-performing loans - which are largely collateralized with real estate - pulling retail prices down further, said Huang.
- The author develops a rationale for cerebral asymmetry and specialization that goes well beyond that necessitated by early observations of lateralized language skills.
- They were collateralized with assets like machinery, factories and the land they're standing on.
- Granted, it's low margin business but it is fully collateralized.
- An unusual DNA strand-segregation model was proposed recently to explain development of lateralized, nonequivalent brain hemispheres in healthy individuals.
- Using dichotic listening tasks, Bryden also studied the differential processing of verbal and emotional stimuli, and abnormal lateralized functioning in children with learning disabilities.
- This has led to the hypothesis that this treatment may be helpful in dampening that lateralized hyperexcitability.
- Lateralized testing for linguistic abilities showed the right hemisphere to be largely mute and agraphic, but nevertheless able to comprehend, at a moderately high level, words spoken aloud by the examiner. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
- A working-capital line of credit would be at a lower interest rate and could be collateralized through the company's assets - in this case its receivables.