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laminar flow

  1. nonturbulent streamline flow in parallel layers (laminae)

How To Use laminar flow In A Sentence

  • In those studies, the fast-drying condition was normally referred to as the dehydration of seed tissues under a laminar flow cabinet or with silica gel, while slow-drying was the drying of seed tissues with testa or in closed containers.
  • Since air in laminar flow has a higher pressure than turbulent air, the laminar flow behind the ball creates less of a ‘sucking’ effect behind the ball which would substantially slow it down.
  • While flow through the fine micropores of the soil matrix is essentially non-turbulent or laminar flow, flow through macropores can be turbulent and erosive.
  • If we look at a 1d steady, fully developed laminar flow problem the analysis can be solved analytically for a wide variety of viscosities as a function of depth. Guliya Core #2 and Mountain Glacier Flow « Climate Audit
  • This paper proposes a new model of exponential velocity profile equation for laminar flow.
  • In those studies, the fast-drying condition was referred to as the dehydration of seed tissues under a laminar flow cabinet or with silica gel.
  • I stumbled aft and saw Harry wading in from the river, struggling through the hard laminar flow at his legs. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • He studied the change in a flow along a pipe when it goes from laminar flow to turbulent flow.
  • Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability, somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow.
  • Such arrangements can give high accuracy in low-speed laminar flows.
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