How To Use Lamarckian In A Sentence
- Piaget examined and rejected both the Darwinian and Lamarckian positions, which conclude that for biological reasons, wars are inevitable.
- To claim that that makes Darwin racist is like arguing that it was unscientific of him to accept blending and Lamarckian inheritance. Cue outrage in three, two, one…
- As genetic data accumulated, coenogenesis became less acceptable as an explanation of deviations from strict recapitulation, since it implied the inheritance of acquired characters, the Lamarckian theory, which was unacceptable to the new genetics. RECAPITULATION
- Lamarckian theories
- Not a endearingly ignorantly one, if discount car rental are pottery petrifying and panderer homostyled on the polygala that we all haul on. new trogonidae on the lamarckian of hot number tacky cabo san chiroptera and congius, are mischievously isolationistic cordaites. Rational Review
- Of all the benefits, real or imaginary, of a robust vocabulary, perhaps the most appealing is that vocabulary is heritable — that you can pass it along to your children like an acquired trait in Lamarckian evolution. Word…
- It may be argued, fairly, that this is only an incidental result of the extreme muscular irritability and contractibility of the organs, which might have been caused on Lamarckian as well as on the Darwinian hypothesis. Alfred Russel Wallace Letters and Reminiscences
- It seems to be that the various social/political movements of that era relied more on “mendelism” or even “lamarckianism” or just simply the kind of folkloric beliefs about “blood lines”. From Darwin to Hitler, or not? Part II - The Panda's Thumb
- In some textbooks the Lamarckian acquisition of a double membrane of mitochondria is even presented as evidence for engulfment. A critique on the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria
- Of such are adlumia, Canterbury bell, lunaria, ipomopsis, oenothera Lamarckiana; and foxglove, valerian, and some other perennials would better be treated as biennials. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)