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  1. ptarmigans

How To Use Lagopus In A Sentence

  • Birds include species of swan goose Anser cygnoides, crested honey buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus, black kite Milvus migrans, hawk owl Sunia ulula, rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus, hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia, capercaillie Tetrao urogallus and great bustard Otis tarda. Lake Baikal Basin, Russian Federation
  • The 204 bird species include capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, black grouse Lyrurus tetrix, willow grouse Lagopus lagopus, hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia, black woodpecker Dryocopus martius, three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus, nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes and red-flanked bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus. Virgin Komi Forests, Russian Federation
  • Tetrao lagopus, L. Feathers of the feet snow-white; tail of eighteen feathers, the lateral black; bill moderate, compressed at the point; nails black, subulate, arcuated. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • These include the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and the ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus). Pyrenees conifer and mixed forests
  • The park is a significant breeding site for harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus, blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata, common tern Sterna hirundo, and arctic tern S. paridisaea, a nesting site for bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephala, rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus and American tree sparrow Spizella arborea, and a stopover for migrating shore birds. Gros Morne National Park, Canada
  • It includes Albizia carbonaria, Calophyllum brasiliense var. rekoi, Inga, Cecropia, Ficus and Lonchocarpus spp., balsa Ochroma lagopus, Luehea seemannii, Pachira aquatica and Heliconia. Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • Birds of prey such as snowy owls, short-eared owls (Asio flammeus), jaegers (skuas – Stercorarius spp.), and rough-legged buzzards (Buteo lagopus) are lemming and vole specialists that are only able to breed at peak lemming densities and which aggregate in areas with high lemming densities. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • A total of 227 bird species have been recorded (including species characteristic of all boreal forest habitats) which include great grey owl Strix nebulosa and snowy owl Nyctea scandiaca, willow ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus, redpoll Acanthis spp., crossbill Lorix spp. and borealchickadee Parus hudsonicus. Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
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