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John Knox

  1. Scottish theologian who founded Presbyterianism in Scotland and wrote a history of the Reformation in Scotland (1514-1572)

How To Use John Knox In A Sentence

  • Yet this masterful, luminous image places him in the august company of the renowned landscapist John Knox, with whom he worked on a series of views of Glasgow.
  • Singing Catholic church music in a post-Reformation church that fire-breathing John Knox may once have preached in may seem like heresy, but St. Mary's Parish Church never blushed one bit. Laurence Vittes: "In Scotland, East of Edinburgh": The Lammermuir Festival of 2011
  • John Knox stares stonily down at me from his plinth at the top of the boneyard.
  • It was from this cathedral that John Knox thundered against the ‘monstrous regiment of women’ in the shape of the beauteous Mary Queen of Scots.
  • The Bishop's girnel was kept the first night by the labours of John Knox, who by exhortation removed such as would violentlie have made irruption. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • It was from this cathedral that John Knox thundered against the ‘monstrous regiment of women’ in the shape of the beauteous Mary Queen of Scots.
  • The first Assembly, in Edinburgh in 1560, was addressed by one of the Kirk's founders, John Knox, as the new church split away from the Catholic Church.
  • The current catalog of the high-toned house Westminster John Knox Press, for example, features The Gospel According to the Simpsons.
  • Diderot to John Knox, he regarded his treatment as "tragically hard," exclaiming, "I could learn to do all things I have seen done, and am forbidden to try any of them. Thomas Carlyle
  • Protestant reformer John Knox may be spinning in his grave, having famously hit out at ‘the monstrous regiment of women’.
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