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John Ford

  1. United States film maker (1896-1973)

How To Use John Ford In A Sentence

  • John Ford's classic western, starring John Wayne, is a political allegory about how ‘civilisation’ managed to conquer America's Wild West.
  • During the period from 1904 through 1907, the American Asiatic Association, under the leadership of John Ford, its secretary, launched a campaign to modify the Chinese Exclusion Laws.
  • Director John Ford was drawn to the story and purchased the film rights, but it would be many years before he could actually make the film.
  • Its interaction with glitchery, such as on the opening folk guitar of otherwise electrolytic single "Bootstrap" or on the Italo-western twang of opener "Transient" (the rare attempt at this style within electronica that doesn't tumble Jenga-style into self-parody) where the cigarette burns of the John Ford reel meld with the acetate and celluloid to make Brakhage collage, is oddly interactive, rather than deteriorative. PopMatters
  • Behind him a huge mural of Monument Valley, John Ford's favourite location, glows red as hell.
  • This remarkable venture combines memorable themes with striking ensemble-writing, dramatic brass and percussion sounds and a faintly disconsolate beauty, writes John Fordham Readers recommend: songs about showing off
  • the quote I gave you or mentioned in the chapter is Welles' saying of John Ford.
  • His wife, Carrie, was the daughter of John Ford, a well-known conchologist connected with the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences.
  • Two of the boldest American iconoclasts were film-maker John Ford and classical composer Aaron Copland.
  • The one-eyed have no depth perception, though André de Toth, director of one the first 3D movies, the 1953 House of Wax, was monocular, and he wasn't the only one-eyed director; Samuel Fuller, Nicholas Ray, Raoul Walsh and John Ford all sported eyepatches at one time or another – all of them pace the screamingly camp Johnny Guitar the sort of heavy-drinking he-men you don't often see coming out of film schools these days. Anne Billson – Cutter's Way and the great tradition of the film eyepatch
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