- (usually used colloquially) causing or accompanied by misfortune
How To Use jinxed In A Sentence
- ‘There was just a feeling that we were jinxed,’ says Garnett, relieved to have this latest contract under his belt.
- Did our English friends truly wish to be jinxed?
- I must be jinxed - whenever I wash a wine glass, it breaks.
- The question of whether the sequels were jinxed is one that the cast and crew are reluctant to acknowledge, but one which has crossed their minds.
- The pilot felt that the flight had been jinxed.
- The chains had been cursed, jinxed by the many hands that had been bound.
- There was not a man in the Academy who would set foot inside the "jinxed" ship. Sabotage in Space
- I jinxed myself the other day by saying this was the first year since I was 18 that I'd not had bronchitis or lost my voice.
- Jessica Simpson, the preacher's daughter from Abilene, Texas, is fighting back against unflattering tabloid portrayals and accusations that she "jinxed" her Dallas Cowboys quarterback boyfriend, Tony Romo. The Latest From VanityFair.com
- Asked if Discovery was "jinxed," given the problems that have repeatedly delayed the veteran orbiter this week, Leinbach said "it's a machine, and every now and then, machines break, and right now, our machine is broken, and we need to go fix it. CNET News.com