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Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  1. French philosopher and writer born in Switzerland; believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society; ideas influenced the French Revolution (1712-1778)

How To Use Jean-Jacques Rousseau In A Sentence

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1] herborized with the bunch of chick-weed whereon he fed his Canary; The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • Among the worthies depicted: the poet, dramatist and philosopher Voltaire and the great encyclopedist Denis Diderot, both by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle (1714-85), and the philosopher and composer Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Houdon, who is far better known for his work in terra cotta and marble. France's Artistic Mettle in Metal
  • It was Jean-Jacques Rousseau who invented the melodrama in his dramatic monologue Pygmalion, first performed in Paris in the early 1760s.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a great thinker, philosopher in the 18th century France Enlightenment period and also the thought pioneer of French capitalist resolution.
  • While Madame Hecquet was printing her biography of Memmie, Jean-Jacques Rousseau published his seminal work, Discourse On The Origins of Inequality.
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