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Jack Kerouac

  1. United States writer who was a leading figure of the beat generation (1922-1969)

How To Use Jack Kerouac In A Sentence

  • Brando was the perfect icon for the 'beat' generation of Jack Kerouac, William S Burroughs and Allan Ginsberg.
  • You would think it would be tough to make the lives and work of writers like Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs seem uninteresting, but writer Harvey Pekar, artist Ed Piskor -- along with other contributors like Joyce Brabner, Trina Robbins, Mary Fleener and Peter Kuper -- seem more than up to the task. Robot reviews: The Beats and Wizzywig | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Influenced by the beat poets like Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and Ted Jones, McGough would write late into the night.
  • Jack Kerouac's On the Road was an influential book in the 1960s.
  • Beat’s outer trappings — black turtlenecks, cigarette pants, neckerchiefs, berets — is indebted less to Jack Kerouac and his wayward cohort, who slouched about in frayed flannel shirts, than to stylized interpretations in movies like “Funny Face” or the less well-known “Subterraneans,’’ a 1960 film based on a Kerouac novel about the kinky denizens of North Beach in San Francisco. August 2006
  • The Chinese press did tout me as a sixties icon, however, and posted my picture all over the place with Joan Baez, Che Guevara, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
  • He was a contemporary of Charles Olson, had corresponded with W.C. Williams and had been in bar fights with Jack Kerouac.
  • Heavily influenced by Jack Kerouac and the Beats as well as the political Left, Dylan struck a pose of alienation and nonconformity that has served as a model for so many popular musicians since.
  • That unknown trim blonde with an interest in wine and Jack Kerouac may be nothing more than an attractive front for a bit of script that automates Facebook friend requests by instructing a computer to search for all users with a certain characteristic -- the name "Katie," for example -- then directs it to connect with everyone who turns up in the search results. Do I Know You? Fake Friends Adding Fresh Danger To Facebook
  • But like David Lynch and Jack Kerouac, Callahan, whom I only know in passing, is grossly misunderstood by his fans. GreenCine Daily: PIFF Dispatch. 4.
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