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How To Use Invisibility In A Sentence

  • Except that Mundy says none of this, neither does he indicate it by so much as a slip of the eye, because Sasha in the Wagnerian spirit of the place is wearing his invisibility hat, his Tarnkappe as they used to call it, the black Basque beret worn severely across the brow that warns against the slightest indiscretion, particularly in time of war. Absolute Friends
  • Bob turned off the invisibility and the stabilizers, which keep the ship from rolling away, off to conserve energy.
  • He could blend in or out at will, as if he had an invisibility cloak. The Sun
  • She wondered at the invisibility that her clothing offered her.
  • Sounds better than any invisibility cloak. The Sun
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  • Ralph Ellison captured it perfectly for the black man with the metaphor of invisibility.
  • In the novel Oe illustrates the concept of liminality developed by the cultural anthropologist Victor Turner, the "betwixt-and-between" state characterized by invisibility, outsiderhood, and marginality, yet also the locus of great potential for renewal. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • If a woman is to avoid the inexorable slide into invisibility, there are some things she must cease to consider a luxury and embrace as necessity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his series ‘Invisible’, the subjects are united only by their fluorescent orange workwear; the irony being that jackets specifically designed to be highly visible seem to only underline the invisibility of those who wear them.
  • Diffident, brusque and self-effacing to the point of invisibility, he was not the first person you would choose if you wanted to mount a charm offensive.
  • Boringness is the third step towards actual invisibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wil McCarthy's written a fascinating piece for Wired on "invisibility cloaks" -- micro-video camouflage systems that reproduce what's behind you on pixels in draped in front of you. Boing Boing: July 6, 2003 - July 12, 2003 Archives
  • Suddenly, I want to punish him, to make him pay for my invisibility.
  • She wrote, Coerced invisibility is a principal form of anti-gay discrimination. Hayley Gorenberg: Gay Rights as Human Rights
  • The Sidhe remained tangi - ble; now that they had been exposed, they had no further need of invisibility. Blue Adept
  • He did the odd bit of crime solving too of course but that always came a poor second to the mayhem he caused by moving a pen across a room in a wobbly way using only his cloak of invisibility, some strong thread and an intricate pulley system.
  • Wrath enabled me to survive the soft siren temptations of invisibility; anger made me determined, after I was released from vanishment in the shadow of a Friday Mosque, to 'begin, from that moment forth, to choose my own, undestined future.' G. Roger Denson: The Beauty We Fear: The Mosques of Secular Muslim Writers
  • The midge, again, or punkie, or "no-see-'um," just as you please, swarms down upon you suddenly and with commendable vigour, so that you feel as though red-hot pepper were being sprinkled on your bare skin; and his invisibility and intangibility are such that you can never tell whether you have killed him or not; but he doesn't last long, and dope routs him totally. The Forest
  • Agricultural non - point source pollution had no certain pollution source which had obvious potential, complexity and invisibility.
  • So far researchers have only developed metamaterials that divert radar and microwaves - rather than light waves, which are the key to invisibility.
  • And you may take in (as that which gives the greater lustre to the truth) that which is put adversatively, if you please, notwithstanding their invisibility in themselves. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • She describes the cloak of invisibility that descends on women whose looks have begun to fade, and strikes a particular nerve when she talks about the kindness that re-enters her life after plastic surgery.
  • Liu Bolin Creates Slowest, Least Practical Invisibility Cloak Ever - liu bolin - Bill Crider's Pop Culture Magazine
  • He says so much, so colorfully, yet without saying anything at all - like an invisibility cloke fabricated from the wool of sheep. Man-Crush Alert!!
  • Outside in the playground, and around about the scheme, he had discovered the sweet secret of invisibility, a means of moving round the fringes without really being seen.
  • He could blend in or out at will, as if he had an invisibility cloak. The Sun
  • Kerry's invisibility was over: the flash of numberless cameras had brought him suddenly into being; his famous aloofness turned rapidly to gravity; his patrician manner seemed quickly apropos.
  • He shows how teleportation, invisibility cloaks and even space elevators could soon be a reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps he used his cloak of invisibility. The Sun
  • As a social activist, she was vexed by the invisibility of significant sections of the community - the homeless, the overweight and the elderly.
  • Perhaps he used his cloak of invisibility. The Sun
  • The confluence of invisibility, indeterminacy, and contagion understandably generates anxiety and encourages behaviour that reduces risk of exposure.
  • Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator, Charles and Doctor Grogan.
  • Invisibility cloak is one step closer after science demo Link Boing Boing
  • So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample.
  • These mythological people possessed powers that included levitation, invisibility, shape changing, and the ability to vanish before your eyes.
  • A magic ring provides powers of flight and, later, invisibility to its wearers.
  • Perhaps he used his cloak of invisibility. The Sun
  • Agricultural non - point source pollution had no certain pollution source which had obvious potential, complexity and invisibility.
  • See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
  • That's all well and good for the boy wizard, but we mainly want one because, yeah, invisibility is dope. Add These Glorious Cinematic Gifts To Your Christmas Wish List » MTV Movies Blog
  • Sounds better than any invisibility cloak. The Sun
  • He was often fingered as the source of government leaks and is skilful in the art of invisibility in times of trouble.
  • If a woman is to avoid the inexorable slide into invisibility, there are some things she must cease to consider a luxury and embrace as necessity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But bending light so that it passes round a region of space and emerges travelling along the same line as it was initially is a difficult trick, requiring an invisibility cloak made from materials with a 'tunable' refractive index. Invisible Man Almost Visible
  • My BIGGEST PROBLEM with the movie is when dumbledore and harry return from the cave, in the book dumbledore uses a spell to immobilize harry under his invisibility cloack, and harry couldnt move untill dumbledore was killed so harry couldnt do anything to save him. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - What Did You Think? | /Film
  • El Gratin's also the little-known site for many power breakfasts, the kind where an element of invisibility is sought that the town's two other power breakfast venues -- Virrey de Mendoza and Villa Montana -- lack. Restaurant in Morelia, Gringo Grub
  • Soames was an English self-declared Catholic diabolist poet minor to the point of invisibility.
  • He could blend in or out at will, as if he had an invisibility cloak. The Sun
  • Characteristic of rationality, invisibility and flexibility, it has become the most complicated and most trickish kind of trade barrier, and the biggest barrier to international trade.
  • He believes their meditation leads to magical powers, like levitation and invisibility.
  • He has a Slavic cast of feature, which he acknowledges helps him to adopt a cloak of invisibility.
  • As Family head Doug Coe has noted, invisibility translates to influence wielded, well, invisibly. Bruce Wilson: 87.5% of "Family" & DLC Affiliated Senate Democrats Voted Yes on FISA
  • Invisibility. So I could sneak around and go places I shouldn't.
  • For Americans, the distinction between a friend and a co - worker blurs to near invisibility.
  • His worst fears assuaged, Cazaril abandoned his futile attempt at invisibility, and nerved himself to ask Lady Betriz for one roundel. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • His hands and throat were marked with runes, and it was evident from the faint shimmer in the air around him that he was glamoured into invisibility. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • The eleven guardsmen who lined the seat astern, fading like so many ghosts into its pointille upholstery, owed their near invisibility to the catoptric armor of my own Praetorians; and I soon realized they were my own Praetorians in fact, their armor, and what was more important, their traditions having been handed down from this unimaginably early day to my own. The Urth of the New Sun
  • He reveals everything about Stevens through his body language: his stiff, servile "invisibility" when waiting on his masters; his pretensions to grandeur expressed in the wave of a cigar while lording it over the understaff; the pathetic way he touches his dying father -- only with the tip of his fingers -- like a snail too terrified to emerge from his shell. The Flowering Of A Late Bloomer
  • Level 23 or 28: Gain invisibility until the start of your next turn. 4e PHB Readthrough – Chapter 7: Equipment « Geek Related
  • I suspect that invisibility is one of the reasons that the children of that class do so badly in school. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Therefore, the year 2000 is one important milepost, though for many religious traditions it also marks a heightening of their invisibility. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Challenging The Christian Month Of December
  • Sounds better than any invisibility cloak. The Sun
  • Sands says that e-invoicing has helped Memorial Hermann reduce what he calls the invisibility of costs (the time between when invoices come in, make their way into the system and get processed for payment) from 60-to-90 days to 15-to-30 days. Purchasing - Top Stories

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