allow to enter; grant entry to
This pipe admits air
We cannot admit non-members into our club building
How To Use intromit In A Sentence
- Page 313 intromitted into the sphere of goodness, and saw and felt it in the uses this good woman was performing, which made her face shine like an angel's. The Rev. J. W. Loguen, as a Slave and as a Freeman. A Narrative of Real Life.
- Since amniote intromittent organs are hydrostatic, it follows that the wall of their erectile structures must be reinforced with inextensible fibers to prevent aneurysms.
- And as for figure and extension, I leave it to anyone that shall calmly attend to his own clear and distinct ideas to decide whether he had any idea intromitted immediately and properly by sight save only light and colours: or whether it De possible for him to frame in his mind a distinct abstract idea of visible extension or figure exclusive of all colour: and on the other hand, whether he can conceive colour without visible extension? A Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision
- “Truly, my honest friend,” said Dalgetty, “if that is your best recommendation to Sir Duncan’s favour, I would pretermit my pleading thereupon, in respect I have observed that even the animal creation are incensed against those who intromit with their offspring forcibly, much more any rational and Christian creatures, who have had violence done upon their small family. A Legend of Montrose
- He was a confessor in her cause after the year 1715, when a Whiggish mob destroyed his meeting-house, tore his surplice, and plundered his dwelling-house of four silver spoons, intromitting also with his mart and his mealark, and with two barrels, one of single and one of double ale, besides three bottles of brandy. Waverley
- The objects intromitted by sight would seem to him (as in truth they are) no other than a new set of thoughts or sensations, each whereof is as near to him as the perceptions of pain or pleasure, or the most inward passions of his soul. A Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision
- Imperatore præsente, nemo nisi adductus in quacunque camera, vel habitatione intromittitur, donec interrogatus iusserit The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
- One key driver of such an appeal to the interaction of light behavior and our visual apparatuses is Gassendi's view that some explanatory role must be played here by the common atomic structure underlying the images intromitted into our eyes and the light rays cast by celestial bodies which are understood as creating such images. Pierre Gassendi
- Qui sibi bene temperat in licitis," says one of the fathers, "nunquam cadet in illicita:" he who never intromits at all, will never intromit with fraudulent intentions. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
- He who never intromits at all, will never intromit with fraudulent intentions. Life Of Johnson