How To Use Into the wind In A Sentence
That was until someone rapped on her door and her eyes open, the sun glaring into the window like a cop with a flashlight going to a car full of drunken teens.
Pietro dismissed their vettura, and together they walked down the principal promenade to the shopping center where they mingled with the endless crowds of pedestrians and looked into the windows of the gay little shops that made Andrea think of Venice.
Chico: the Story of a Homing Pigeon
I love staking the gliders into the wind and hanging the harness from the hang strap to balance it out - a dynamic stability, like flying.
No one runs; they walk tilting into the wind at comical angles, like a bunch of Charlie Chaplins.
So a sheet is a rope, a tack is a turn into the wind and the boom is the spar along the bottom of the sail.

Scientists injected some of these mice with GFD, and then injected cat allergen into the windpipes of all the mice, including a control group that was not allergic to cats.
As I rode pillion with the boy I loved, I sang it into the wind just for the joy of it.
Family life
Bosses hope to sell more steel into the wind farm industry.
The Sun
Back in the cockpit he decided it was time to tack, but found the yacht would not point up into the wind.
In an attempt to find dry land they shot off threads of silk into the wind and glided through the air, a phenomenon called ballooning.
Times, Sunday Times
The tiller goes down, the sails are sheeted in flat and tight, the boat heels into the wind and we to turn to hammer over the line a couple of seconds afterwards, safe and in the lead.
A downhill frozen start continued to a long uphill drag through a muddy wooded section before turning into the wind, past the start for a second lap.
Pipe was laid, glass was sealed into the window slots, granite was hewn from a Vermont mountain and shipped all the way to its kitchen counters.
Misleading Indicator
All that backspin made the ball upshoot dramatically when hitting into the wind.
Breathing through a mittened hand that covered both mouth and nose, McKinnon turned into the wind and looked aft.
The resulting percussion sounded like a gunshot in the relatively tight quarters; the bird panicked and flew back into the window, where it cheeped pathetically and skittered along the windowsill.
October 24th, 2005
Then the picture that will go into the Windsor archives was taken - while Charles disappeared from the historic scene, nattering.
The side profile is just as interesting, with a unique body shark fin that cuts into the window.
The Sun
I cut a driver into the wind to about 12 feet and although I didn't hole it for eagle, it was a birdie and a change of fortunes in the tournament.
He sped down the streets, looking into the windows of shops and restaurants.
It weathercocked slightly into the wind but coasted for what seemed like ages; finally the top section popped off and the parachute came out.
There was a burst of blue-orange flame and the roadster's front fenders disintegrated in a spray of shattered Fiberglas, the hood peeling back to smash into the windshield.
The Devil's Bedpost
Rey and his crew skillfully brought the boat to a near-standstill, pointed into the wind and on the verge of stalling out.
Water began dripping into the window, the port engine started to cough.
Firmly he pushed the tiller away from him and steered the boat into the wind.
Satan rears his ugly head, to spit into the wind.
Too much hand action into the wind can cause you problems.
Christy O'Connor Junior's Golf Masterclass
Throughout the passage, Ahab stands on the deck as if transfixed, staring blindly ahead into the wind and sleet.
He had let her come up into the wind too far and the storm trysail luffed, canvas drumming, the bronze sail slides clattering.
The figure watched them go and dematerialized into the wind once again with a sinister laugh.
Angry, bitter wind drove frozen rain hard into the window, rattling the panes.
what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind
His long-range striking from dead balls was impressive in the first half and no less so into the wind after the break.
You could play the song and the sun would shine out into the windows even if it was raining.
Next to the pigpen is a long, planed board propped on makeshift trestles, and on the board is a cash register-the silver kind where the buttons pop into the window: 50¢, $1, No charge.
Songs of the Humpback Whale
Stare down the barrel of the gun! Pee into the wind!
Janet followed Bill to the basement window, where Bill jumped lightly into the window well and rapped on the window.
Near Bungay we turn off into the winding lanes of an estate, pass the hall and slip into the old wood, pulling in the truck down a brambled, grassy concrete road the Americans constructed during the war.
As the schooner went into the wind and backed her jib and staysail the whaleboat was swung out.
Leaving the elevator on the tenth floor, they stepped into the windowless anteroom.
Unluckily for me, I didn't have my seat belts on and I went flying out of my seat and wham right into the window.
Turn into the wind and let out the sheet to allow the sail to go slack.
Instead it is a favorite of morning, a little brown-grey falcon, called the windhover because, hurling itself headlong into the wind, it rides on the crest of that wind.
It's opting to book into the windswept beach hut with outdoor shower for the same price as the five-star resort around the corner.
Times, Sunday Times
As soon as I said that a dark figure crashed into the window and fell head first on the floor.
With a cry of terror I dashed at the alcove, then into the corner and then into the window, relighting three as two more vanished by the fireplace, and then, perceiving a better way, I dropped matches on the iron-bound deedbox in the corner, and caught up the bedroom candlestick.
The Red Room
The ship won't point into the wind, you have to have the wind astern or at least abeam.
I have potted up the surviving plants and then plunged the pots back into the windowboxes.
the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback
Assaulted by the reek of marine detritus, a few hardy souls were taking a determined stroll down to the water, their heads bowed into the wind.
The rope on this anchor ought to run through a bow cleat or preferably a bow roller so that it keeps the bow into the wind.
The water came right up to the walkway, and a few Ring-billed Gulls knifed into the wind, sailing over dozens of ducks and coots.
The Rainbow rode high over the Roaring Forties, crabbing into the wind.
Three hundred miles off the Colombian coast, USS Ranger turned into the wind to commence flight operations.
Each time the aircraft is forced to crab into the wind the groundspeed is reduced.
In the UK, gossamer is the creation of a million baby spiders that spin threads vertically from the top of bushes which will carry them off into the wind, enabling them to travel for miles.
I made my power pull into the wind for take-off and found myself excessively nose low, with an increasing angle of bank.
Blood poured from the jugular into the windpipe, preventing an alarming scream.
Steerability : The ability to steer a parachute away from an obstacle, or to face oneself into the wind, would be an evident advantage.
In cricket I bowled outswingers into the wind and batted in the top three.
Once the fog broke and he could see the harbor stretching out in front of him he turned left and peered into the windows of the first bar he came upon.
In Windows 95, you can copy details from most error messages and paste them into the Windows Notepad or Wordpad.
When I do that you will let go the foresheet to help the tartane to fly into the wind's eye.
The Rover
Because he brought the sail up into the wind, the wind caught it and flipped it straight back onto the other side, and down on top of him.
If there is too much bank for the crosswind, excess lift is deflected to the right, and the airplane actually moves sideways into the wind.
Alex was leaning forward into the window in front of him like a cat watching a chipmunk, except that the chipmunk was the size of a city block.
The Whale Warriors
Too much hand action into the wind can cause you problems.
Christy O'Connor Junior's Golf Masterclass
Yuuba tugged on his mother's torn dress while she seemed to be staring into the window of a shop at a beautiful white silk gown.
I've ridden many times since never again, however, bareback and never again in short terry-cloth shorts, and had a great many adventures, but I've never again captured that exact feeling, that feeling of tossing yourself like a leaf into the wind to be flung and spun about, knowing that however hard you land it will feel like a flutter.
Achtung, Baby
By crabbing into the wind, we can stay lined up with the runway centerline, but we'll actually come in at an angle to the runway.
She would then try to adjust her flight path to the fist by altering direction into the wind.
You could lean into the wind and it was raining like blazes.
The conversion into the wind just slipped past the upright and at the turn honours were even.
It's opting to book into the windswept beach hut with outdoor shower for the same price as the five-star resort around the corner.
Times, Sunday Times
The side profile is just as interesting, with a unique body shark fin that cuts into the window.
The Sun
The peristome teeth operate hygroscopically to move the diaphragm up into the wind.
As one big sea washed us too far around back into the wind, with that weight of sail above, we broached.
Walking into the wind is much more difficult and painful than walking with the wind at your back.
The buzzard periodically breaks its thread, soars into the wind, spins round and takes up its west-facing kite position again.
This involves making a cut into the windpipe below the swollen part of your airway, providing a new opening through which you can breathe.
The main wheels can be toed out allowing the aircraft to turn into the wind while the decklock harpoon remains engaged.
And when squirted into the windpipes of mice, the viruses infected the animals' lungs and delivered the marker genes.
As usual, it weathercocked a little into the wind and I got some great footage of it coming down.
Bosses hope to sell more steel into the wind farm industry.
The Sun
Just as his fingertips grazed the knob, a loud clap of thunder boomed and the wind sent branches from a menacing tree outside clapping into the window pane.
But this is too long a falling to 'leeward' of our story, as the sailors would call it; so we will come right back into the wind again.
Cast Away in the Cold An Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner
There are also clouds of long distortion seagulls, fluttering around at sunset, calling to each other, their voices disappearing into the wind.
Tonight, scatter half into the wind to the north, the south, the east and the west.
When he scolded another boat for being to close during the fight (which it wasn't), I then had the pleasure of watching that captain whizz 12 ounces of lead into the windshield of the scolder.
My Two Favorite Knuckleheads
The Ghost swung around into the wind, and I finished my work forward in time to run aft and lend a hand with the mainsheet.
Chapter 25
She saw the column of pale smoke rising vertically into the windless air from the chimney.
In an attempt to find dry land they shot off threads of silk into the wind and glided through the air, a phenomenon called ballooning.
Times, Sunday Times
Each nostril opens into a short and rather narrow, but high, passage, known as the _nasal passage_, through which the air pours into the back of the throat, or _pharynx_, and so down into the windpipe and lungs.
A Handbook of Health
If you have no other means of staying warm besides the heater, turn the car into the wind if possible, make certain the tailpipe is free of snow, crack a window on both the upwind and downwind sides, and run it only for five minutes every half hour.
Survival Tips for Living Through a Snowstorm in Your Truck
Into the wind, the home side had to graft harder for scores.
If it's a sailboat, luff it up into the wind and drift to a complete stop, then allow it to sail backwards - a boat-length is long enough to appease the spirits.
Angry, bitter wind drove frozen rain hard into the window, rattling the panes.
As opposed to crabbing into the wind on final, use aileron to lean the aircraft into the wind.
Of all things mechanical, he loved sailboats the most, planing into the wind with a sheet of canvas, a centerboard and a tiller, which he picked up from perusing the Horatio Hornblower novels.
Garrison keillor | when your brother dies « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
He would shout her name, call repeatedly into the wind until she appeared on the balcony to wave.
Exercise Experiment with varying positions and different amounts of weight on the back foot when you head into the wind.
Now, because I am in a better position at impact, I have lost my tendency to balloon the ball into the wind.
Slip 'em in the smother," shouted Long Jack, making fast the jib-sheet, while the others raised the clacking, rattling rings of the foresail; and the foreboom creaked as the 'We're Here' looked up into the wind and dived off into blank, whirling white.
Captains Courageous
I spot a ten kilometer ridge line south of the road near Wandella forty kilometers from the goal at Rankin Springs and head into the wind to get on the windward side of it hoping to catch a thermal climbing up on it.
Her forestaysail and mizzen spanker were set as though an effort had been made to hold her head up into the wind, but the sheets had parted, and the sails were tearing to ribbons in the half gale of wind.
Tarzan of the Apes
He overbalanced and fell into the window display, bringing down the rest of the glass.
He would shout her name, call repeatedly into the wind until she appeared on the balcony to wave.
Up swept the _Nonsuch_ into the wind, with all her sails ashiver in the brisk breeze, and, watching carefully, George gave the order to fire at the exact moment when the Spanish ship was square abeam.
The Cruise of the Nonsuch Buccaneer
Mel had pointed the boat into the wind so that Al and Abe could show us how to rig her properly.
Today's windmills are entirely computerized, with sensors that allow them to turn into the wind to harness energy as efficiently as possible.
Actually, the JLENS blimp is an aerostat, a blimp like vehicle designed to always turn into the wind and stay in the same place.
He described correctly the action of the epiglottis in preventing the entrance of food and drink into the windpipe during the act of swallowing, he saw the lacteal vessels in the mesentery, and pursued further the anatomy of the brain.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
They will not look quite so lovely over winter, but chives, alpine strawberries and mint (a thug, so plant it in its own container, sunk into the windowbox) will all thrive long-term in shady containers, and you can squeeze lettuces in between for quick, short-term crops.
Stumped? Acers, plus shady window boxes
The eagle twists its head, looks me in the eye, and turns its regal beak back into the wind.
The girls belted into the wind as they sped along a country road, security close in tow, in Laurel's graduation present, a jet-black, convertible Viper with all the trimmings.
She came round into the wind like a top, and the next moment struck the reef with such a dunch as threw us all flat upon the deck, and came near to shake Mr. Riach from his place upon the mast.
Kidnapped: The Adventures of David Balfour
They fly in low, up to two dozen pairs at a time, always along the edge closest to the sun and always facing into the wind.
Satan rears his ugly head, to spit into the wind.
She took it, and cast her eye over it, in such a careless way, as made it evident, that she had read it before: and then unthankfully tossed it into the window-seat before her.
Clarissa Harlowe
I came about and headed for home but my little boat didn't beat into the wind very well.
Actually, the JLENS blimp is an aerostat, a blimp like vehicle designed to always turn into the wind and stay in the same place.
He was going to do a tracheotomy, opening the throat and inserting a tube into the windpipe.