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  1. a segment of a stem between two nodes

How To Use internode In A Sentence

  • When a war raid is undertaken, the arrows are placed in a bamboo internode, which is carried in a horizontal position at the bowman's side. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • Genotypic selection analysis revealed strong density-dependent selection in the open site, favoring genotypes with longer internodes at high density and with short internodes at low density.
  • While most vegetative metamers have short internodes, metamers that form at the end of the vegetative phase have elongated ones.
  • In these cases, owing to the non-development of the internodes, the nascent leaves are closely packed, and the conditions for adhesion are favorable, but in most of the so-called cases of adhesion of leaf to leaf by the surface, a preferable explanation is afforded either by an exuberant development (hypertrophy) or by chorisis (see sections on those subjects). Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The upper regions of the stem have a characteristic square-shaped cross-section with long internodes separating whorls of elliptical to oblanceolate leaves.
  • Secondary cell wall deposition has been determined by other means, such as by measuring the thickness of the double wall between two fibre cells in internodes of reproductive tillers of darnel.
  • Eleven centimetre long shoot segments were obtained from internodes of previous year shoots, placed vertically and fitted to plastic tubing.
  • Growth is controlled by the phytohormone gibberellin and can be largely unidirectional, as in elongating stem internodes, or multidirectional, as in expanding leaves.
  • Shoots represent annual increments of extension growth, and their component parts, metamers, consist of a node, an internode, a leaf and an axillary bud.
  • The xerophytes appeared to be different from common habitat. Short of internode; litter and thick of twigs.
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