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internal control

  1. an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.

How To Use internal control In A Sentence

  • According to the Mishnah and Jerusalem Talmud, a complex system of internal controls was instituted to sell and distribute items.
  • With strong internal controls, a church can more easily refute erroneous claims brought by any form of media. Christianity Today
  • Evaluate the professional accountant's role in internal control, review and compliance.
  • We also prepared primer pairs for the 18S ribosomal RNA gene to use as an internal control.
  • RT-PCR was done and densitometric analysis for the expression levels of Cryptdine 1 (B), Cryptdine 4 (C and E) and Cryptdine 5 (D) as against β-actin used as internal control. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There are four typical patterns of corporate governance all over the world. They are supreme shareholder model, stakeholders model, employee co-determination model , and internal control model.
  • Develop and implement policies and procedures for proper internal control.
  • RNA and Armored RNA® controls for use as external and internal controls and calibrators for oncology. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Compared with traditional control system applying Single Chip Machine as internal control device, this system improved the complexity of hardware connectivity and reliability, .
  • In September, executives and board members at Barnes & Noble Inc. agreed to a repricing of options worth $3 million and to a repayment of $2 million to the company, while the company consented to some 15 "therapeutics," or changes in governance, including an audit-committee review of stock-option internal controls at least once a year. Firms Settle Backdating Suits
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