How To Use insusceptible In A Sentence
- Purpose, values and means of redemption are to be understood exclusively as matters particular and personal to the individual: privately created for the sole purpose of making him feel better, and insusceptible to universalisation.
- Enter Saphho Ritsos, the Trust operative who, based on her namesake, is intended to be insusceptible to Cankar's irresistible manly charms - the result of him producing "eleven times as many pheromones as ordinary males. REVIEW: The Crystal Cosmos by Rhys Hughes
- It is insusceptible of being accessed by the user of electricity further up in the main power lines.
- Green Tea Leaf Extract is utilised to modify cholesterin levels, impact the insusceptible system, and set murder dulcify and insulin levels. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- If social conflict splits us, we diagnose a communication problem, a semantic setback on the road to common ground, a gap that can be bridged by consensus on facts and deliberation on goals; it's just too painful to think that tribal values impervious to rationality and insusceptible to compromise are the ineluctable driver of our divisions. Marty Kaplan: Pessimism Is the Last Taboo
- In relation to the amendment, we do submit that the issue is exclusively one of construction and the different criterion that would trigger redundancy is insusceptible of being dealt with by evidence.
- Well, I have this special Gift, you see, that allows me to dislodge the binding force of the molecules composing my body, therefore making me insusceptible to any form of attack.
- Naturally insusceptible, however, of fear, he crossed himself, and stoutly demanded of the Saracen an account of the pedigree which he had boasted. The Talisman
- The clause in the contract is insusceptible of another interpretation.
- From this it follows that a privative term, being insusceptible of differentiation, cannot be a generic differentia; for, if it were, there would be a common undifferentiated element in two different groups.