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  1. the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others

How To Use inhumaneness In A Sentence

  • Tired of people not taking responsibility for their inhumaneness to their fellow man. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Sanford Schram identifies some of the strands of the Perestroika critique in these terms: "Some focus on the overly abstract nature of much of the research done today, some on the lack of nuance in decontextualized, large-sample empirical studies, others on the inhumaneness of thinking about social relations in causal terms, and still others on the ways in which contemporary social science all too often fails to produce the kind of knowledge that can meaningfully inform social life" Monroe : 103. The Perestroika debate in political science
  • Even beyond those ironies, there is an offensiveness - and an inhumaneness -- to the court's ruling. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Its an extremely different process of enacting horror from the one utilized on Jigoku Shoujo, which relies on the pitfalls of humanity instead of the inhumaneness of folkloric beasts. Anime Nano!
  • The argument as to why life imprisonment is better than the death penalty has nothing to do with the humaneness/inhumaneness of either. Supermax.
  • When your own attorneys dont argue the "inhumaneness" of lethal injection until it is a last ditch effort to keep you alive, then obviously they didnt think it was that 'inhumane' at the beginning of the fight. .as was the case for Phillip Workman and Steve Hensley. Undefined
  • The Associated Press reported on Friday that the drug killings are being ratcheted up in terms of sheer inhumaneness to increase their shock value. NY Daily News
  • The evil in this country is not presently in the Whitehouse; it is in the churches and radio shows being led by hatefilled preachers and opinionators who suckled on racist bigotry and are finallly having their chance to spew their forked-tongued poison milk of inhumaneness on the masses. Main RSS Feed
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