How To Use Inflectional In A Sentence
French has inflectional morphology to indicate plurality, person, number, and tense, so inflection is not a foreign concept.
Good examples of the former are the special issues in journals on experimental studies of inflectional, morphemic compounding, and derivational morphology in relation to learning to read and spell.
The inscriptions that are available to us are from quite late in the Old Persian period, and already show a number of signs of the nightmare that is Middle Persian during which the language turned its whole inflectional system inside out.
Contradictions with authors' accounts of Etruscan word Rasna
Chinese has no case distinctions or gender distinctions in the inflectional paradigm of its third person singular pronoun.
By this phase, the children usually spell inflectional endings correctly.

As Finnish is an agglutinative language, it is not surprising that inflectional difficulties were shown to be the first impairment marker among at-risk children.
inflectional morphology is used to indicate number and case and tense and person etc.
It studies the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation. The morphology is generally divided into two fields: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology.
Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.
I have no idea about Greek inflectional endings, but the English translation has one fairly obvious meaning: ‘You too will die bloodily because of this deed.’
Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.
But when the inflectional form of language became so far advanced as to have its scholars and grammarians, they seem to have united in extirpating all such polysynthetical or polysyllabic monsters, as devouring invaders of the aboriginal forms.
The Coming Race
Good examples of the former are the special issues in journals on experimental studies of inflectional, morphemic compounding, and derivational morphology in relation to learning to read and spell.
Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.
Stem: any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which inflectional affix can be added.
To appearing " old ox chokes with resentment greatly " person, avoid by all means covers shut up bazoo, inflectional limb, lest choke.
The structure of Old English was more like Latin in that words had various inflectional endings to indicate their grammatical function.
Stem : is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added.